Elton John. ‘Gay Marriage – its what Christ would have wanted’.
Vile faggot Elton John has had the arrogance to claim that Jesus Christ would have approved of homosexual priests sodomizing each other and that the Pope’s ‘wonderful’ tolerance for abomination, should seen as an example for the Church of England to follow.
Speaking to Dermot Murnaghan on Sky News Sir Elton agreed that gay clergy should be allowed to get married.
He doesn’t actually mean ‘married,’ what he means is gay clergy should be allowed to sodomize each other and call it ‘marriage.’
He said: “These are old and stupid things. If Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person that he was, saying this could not happen.
“He was all about love and compassion and forgiveness and trying to bring people together and that’s what the church should be about.”
Elton John, with a kidnapped child that’s missing his mother.
He also revealed his thoughts about the Pope – describing him as a “wonderful” man whose tolerance was an example to the Church of England.
Gay John also spoke on the Antipope, calling him a “wonderful” man, due to the high levels of “tolerance” he pushes on the masses. The fact that this fag loves Francis is enough to make any Catholic question Francis, is it not?
Nowhere does the Bible promote ‘tolerance’ for homosexuality, the Church should be looking to the example of Sodom, not the alleged Pope.