Emergency UN Security Council Meeting…

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2018

The UN Security Council is meeting right now.

I would really be surprised at all if Nikki Haley comes out and finally admits she’s a tranny to distract from how fucking stupid this whole shit is.

I mean, that would make a lot of sense, right?

If Trump was doing a “Wag the Dog” situation to distract from his sex scandals that are being unveiled after the raid on his lawyer, then Haley can do a “Dog the Wag” move to distract from how fucking insane it was to bomb Syria over a chemical attack that the head of the Pentagon admitted he can’t even confirm happened (before explaining he’d seen posts about it on social media that seemed credible).


Russia has called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council over the strikes that the US, UK, and France carried out in Syria on Saturday, calling the attack “blatant disregard of international law.”

By acting without any mandate from the UN Security Council, the US and its allies violated the norms and principles of international law, as well as undermining the authority of the UNSC, Russian Envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzia said, denouncing the strikes against Syria as “an aggression against a sovereign state.”

Nebenzia also called the attack “hooliganism.” He said that the two research facilities that were targeted in the strike had been inspected by the OPCW, which didn’t find any traces of chemical weapons.


Hooliganism is the perfect word.


Though almost sort of too cool sounding for the kike-tool Boomer Trump.

For some reason that Rancid song just came on my YouTube playlist (I think it’s because I was listening to Blink 182 when I was having a mini MILLENNIAL BASH at my room).

But I guess that isn’t really very cool, is it?

Not anywhere near as cool as Blink 182. Doesn’t deserve to be on the same playlist.

Just like Donald “OY VEY MY CHEMICAL BABIES, GOYIM” Trump doesn’t deserve to be on the same playlist as VLADIMIR PUTIN – DEFENDER OF CHRISTENDOM.

Just like a year ago, the US used a staged a chemical attack against civilians as a pretext for its strikes, Nebenzia said, adding that Russian military experts found no trace of any chemical agent at the scene of the alleged attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma. “In a sign of cynical disdain,” a group of Western countries decided to take military action without waiting for a group of OPCW experts to present the results of an investigation into the incident, according to Nebenzia.

Russia did “everything possible” to convince the US and its allies to refrain from their military plans, which could destabilize, not only Syria, but the whole Middle East. However, Washington, London, and Paris “preferred to disregard appeals to common sense,” he added.

Yeah, they’re done pulling punches and just calling a false flag a false flag – literally blaming the US directly.

There is one punch they pull though.

The turd in the punch bowl.

That said…

Russia was doing this UN meeting because they’re trying to do this whole “see we’re a normal reasonable democracy, just like the kind you say you are” thing.

So now that this is ending in a few hours…

The retaliation is coming.

Please, please, please let it be a nuke on Tel Aviv.