Eminem, Faggot Outrage Culture and the Fat Joke Heard Round the World

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2017

When I was a kid, there was this white rapper named Eminem.

I’m not sure what happened to him, but his whole thing was to make offensive jokes.

I was remembering one song, where I thought he talked about making fun of people who die in car crashes. He actually says “plane crashes.”


Now, don’t ignore me, you won’t avoid me
You can’t miss me: I’m white, blonde-haired, and my nose is pointy
I’m the bad guy who makes fun of people that die
In plane crashes and laughs as long as it ain’t happened to him

He also talked about fat sluts, constantly.

Still Don’t Give a Fuck:

I don’t rap to get the women – fuck bitches
Give me a fat slut that cooks and does dishes

Also joked about rape. Of fat white sluts. To death.

As the World Turns:

Hypochondriac, hanging out at the laundromat
Where all the raunchy fat white trashy blondes be at
Dressed like a sailor, standing by a pale of garbage
Its almost dark and I’m still tryna nail a trailor park bitch
I met a slut and said “What up, its nice to meet ya”
I’d like to treat ya to a Faygo and a slice of pizza
But I’m broke as fuck and I don’t get paid till the first of next month
But if you care to join me, I was bout to roll this next blunt
But I ain’t got no weed, no phillies, or no papers
Plus I’m a rapist and a repeated prison escapist
So gimme all your money
And don’t try nothing funny
Cause you know your stinking ass is too fat to try to outrun me
I went to grab my gun

I shouted “Now bitch, lets see who gets the best!”
Stuffed that shit in crooked and fucked that fat slut to death (Ah!! Ah!)
Come here bitch!
Come here!
Take this motherfucking dick!
Bitch, come here!

For the record – although it isn’t explicitly relevant – he also talked about hating and killing homosexuals.

Criminal (above):

My words are like a dagger with a jagged edge
That’ll stab you in the head
whether you’re a fag or lez
Or the homosex, hermaph or a trans-a-vest
Pants or dress – hate fags? The answer’s “yes”
Homophobic? Nah, you’re just heterophobic
Staring at my jeans, watching my genitals bulging (Ooh!)
That’s my motherfucking balls, you’d better let go of em
They belong in my scrotum, you’ll never get hold of em
Hey, it’s me, Versace
Whoops, somebody shot me!
And I was just checking the mail
Get it? Checking the ‘male’?
How many records you expecting to sell
after your second LP sends you directly to jail?
C’mon!– Relax guy, I like gay men
Right, Ken? Give me an amen (AAA-men!)

At the time – all four of these songs were from the 2000 album “The Marshall Mathers LP,” the main complainers were mothers saying that kids shouldn’t be listening to this type of thing.

But he was still on TV constantly, had repeated number one selling albums and top singles, and no one ever tried to ban him. That album won a Grammy and was nominated for “Album of the Year.”

At the time, I was 15, and thought it was sort of fun for popular rap music, which I hadn’t been interested in much.

Fast forward 17 years, and a fat joke brings all of hell down upon you.

Because that’s all I did: I made a fat joke about the dead fat slut Heather Heyer. Go read it. It’s up now. For now.

And go listen to some Eminem songs and tell me that what I said was any more offensive.

So – how is it possible that in 17 years something that was the pinnacle of popular culture can now be effectively against the law?



Through the media, entertainment and education systems, they have created a culture that is based on equating victimization with divinity and outrage as a type of holy sacrament.

Millennials are the most brainwashed generation in all of human history. Or, at least they tried that, and the ones it stuck with it really stuck with. The ones who rejected it appear to have really rejected it good.

The good news is that a large portion of our readership are Generation Z. The indoctrination isn’t taking with them, because there is no rebel element. Liberalism functions on “liberating” things. Behaviors, taboos, brown people.

Now, there is nothing left to liberate. So all the fun is gone. And they are just ramming this shit down young people’s throats, and they’re vomiting it back up.

Jews always push everything as far as they can push it, meaning they eventually push too far.

Boomers are getting old and a new generation of white people is rising. We have reached peak Jew. In fact, I think 2016 was peak Jew. The election of Donald Trump, whatever he ends up doing, was a sign of a swing back in the right direction.