Emperor Trump: “I Don’t Have an Attorney General”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2018

Listening to Mika read Donald Trump is very enjoyable. She should start releasing audio versions of herself reading entire Trump speeches. I think Trump might actually hire her to do that.

She’s really, really good at it.

Wtf is “hill.tv”?

If it’s a TV version of The Hill, why is there no video?

What is going on here, exactly?

I like the Mika reading, but I would also like to see the original.

The Hill:

President Trump in an Oval Office interview with Hill.TV launched one of his most ferocious broadsides to date against Jeff Sessions, suggesting the attorney general was essentially AWOL and performing badly on a variety of issues.

“I don’t have an attorney general. It’s very sad,” Trump told Hill.TV in an extensive and freewheeling interview Tuesday from the Oval Office.

The president has long excoriated Sessions for his March 2017 decision to recuse himself from the Russia collusion investigation. But on Tuesday he suggested he is frustrated by Sessions’s performance on far more than that.

“I’m not happy at the border, I’m not happy with numerous things, not just this,” he said.

Is there any place where anyone is happy with Slow Jeff?

I heard Ann Coulter say he was good on the border. He is deporting people, but anyone would be doing that. That is a core policy of the Trump administration. And he could be doing a whole lot more to get these people out and stop them coming in. He created that child army situation – or at least failed to properly handle it.

He sucks at everything.

Trump suggested he had a personal blind spot when it came to nominating Sessions as the nation’s top law enforcement officer.

“I’m so sad over Jeff Sessions because he came to me. He was the first senator that endorsed me. And he wanted to be attorney general, and I didn’t see it,” he said.

“And then he went through the nominating process and he did very poorly. I mean, he was mixed up and confused, and people that worked with him for, you know, a long time in the Senate were not nice to him, but he was giving very confusing answers. Answers that should have been easily answered. And that was a rough time for him.”

The president suggested Sessions’s experience going through the nominating process in the Senate may have impacted his performance as attorney general.

“He gets in and probably because of the experience that he had going through the nominating when somebody asked him the first question about Hillary Clinton or something he said ‘I recuse myself, I recuse myself,’” Trump said.

“And now it turned out he didn’t have to recuse himself. Actually, the FBI reported shortly thereafter any reason for him to recuse himself. And it’s very sad what happened.”

The FBI in an early 2017 email to a Sessions aide, made public last December, concluded that Sessions did not need to reveal contacts with foreign government officials that were made in the course of his work as a senator.


And how did he not know that?

Is he stupid?

Did he get visited and threatened by reptilian humanoids?

What is the thing here?

I want Rudy for AG at this point.

Trump can find some other WOP lawyer. I’ve got a WOP lawyer myself who’s pretty good. And that whole situation is going to be over anyway.

Make Rudy AG, he’ll go nuts and start driving his golf cart back and forth across the Mexican border netgunning wetbacks while screaming “FOOOOOORE.”

We need that tranny-lover and ISIS supporter Mad Pit Bull out too.

He needs to quit and finally get a nap anyway.

Sonovabitch hasn’t slept since Vietnam.

We need an entire new cabinet.

And you have the power.

Get your friends registered to vote, get them to the polls. Spam the entire internet and get people out there. These elections are very, very serious. We need to win hard. If we win hard, we can get a new cabinet and then we can start really making some moves.