Endorsing Wetback Rubio, Sanitarium Fails to Name One Accomplishment of That Gay Bastard

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 4, 2016

Proving once again just what a total hoax establishment politics are, Rick “The Mad House” Sanitarium endorsed Marco Rubio for President – but appearing on MSNBC with Morning Joe Scarborough, the weasel proved unable to name a single accomplishment of Rubio.

So why did he endorse him?

The only reason possible is that he’s an establishment shill, shilling for another establishment shill.


“He’s been in the Senate for four years,” Scarborough noted. “Can you name his top accomplishment in the Senate — actually working in the Senate doing something that tilted your decision to Marco Rubio?”

“If you look at being in the minority in the United States Senate in a year when nothing got — four years where nothing got done, I guess it’s hard to say there are accomplishments,” Santorum said. “I mean, tell me what happened during that four years that was an accomplishment for anybody? It was complete gridlock.”

Scarborough insisted he wasn’t defending the Congress or being difficult in his questioning. “I’m just asking you to name one accomplishment that Marco Rubio—” Scarborough said as Santorum tried to interrupt. “But list one accomplishment. Just one. Just one that Marco achieved. Maybe a bill that he wrote. Maybe a moment in a committee.”

Brzezinski then jumped in to make it easier on Santorum, offering a fill-in-the-blank question. “Jeb Bush ran Florida. Donald Trump built a company,” she began. “Marco Rubio — finish the sentence.”

“OK, Marco Rubio was, No. 1, the speaker of the Florida House, which is not something that’s a minor deal,” Santorum answered. “I mean, he was elected by his colleagues to be the speaker of the House. No. 2, yeah, he spent four years in the United States Senate being frustrated like everybody else that nothing got done, and then you can’t point to him and say well nothing got done and therefore he has no accomplishments.”

That argument is “bogus,” Santorum said, slamming the “feckless Congress.”

“It’s actually not a bogus argument,” Scarborough said. “All I’m asking is a simple question. I’ll ask it one more time, and don’t attack me because we’ve been friends for a very long time.”

“No, no, no, let me ask the question one more time,” Scarborough said as Santorum tried to interject. “List one accomplishment that Marco Rubio has achieved in four years in the United States Senate. It doesn’t even have to be a passed bill.”

“Well, I know he included something that went after the insurance companies in the most recent omnibus. I know that he fought for that to stop bailing out insurance companies,” Santorum said. “That’s one thing that I’m familiar with that I just saw recently, but — and again, he was on the campaign trail and accomplished that. The bottom line is there isn’t a whole lot of accomplishments, Joe, and I just don’t think it’s a fair question.”

This is where we’re at, America.

And you scumbags in Iowa voted for Ted Cruz?
