Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2013

In yet another sickening and disturbing public statement issued by a member of the Jewish Occupational Government of the United States, the Jewish financier, journalist, former Obama Czar and perverted Obamaphile Steven Rattner has claimed that because the black president has already decided to go to war with Syria, even if it was a bad decision he must go ahead and do it anyway.
Here is the Tweet:

What we are apparently supposed to take away from this is, literally, that even though the decision to invade is obviously insane, Obama must do it because otherwise he would look silly. It is maybe a bit like when you tell your foul-mouthed children you will wash their mouths out with soap if they don’t clean up their language, and then eventually you have to do it because otherwise the little brats will think they can walk all over you. Or something. I’m not really sure of a fitting analogy, as I’ve never heard of anything quite like this before in my life.
Imagine the mindset of a Jew who thinks you’ll accept this sort of “logic!”