Enemy Jew Wohl Calls Cops on Heroic Slut-Beater Avenatti for Threatening to Murder Him in His Sleep…!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2018

Note: It is now alleged that the woman is allegedly or apparently not his wife, as was originally reported, but some other woman he beat up – whatever. All women deserve to get the living shit beat out of them by irate, raging Italian race car drivers.

The brutal wop hero Michael Avenatti recently beat the living shit out of some stupid whore, and all indications are that the stupid bitch had it coming – and worse.

In the wake of the arrest for the beating, Avenatti did the sensible thing and blamed a random Jew and threatened to murder him in his sleep.

“If I was Jacob, I would not be sleeping well at night, let’s just say that,” Avenatti told TMZ.

The cowardly Jew Wohl did the obvious thing a Jew will do when challenged to a fight to the death by a brutal wop and called the cops!

As it turns out, the snake kike Wohl sent the woman to Avenatti, apparently so that she would act like such a stupid bitch that Avenatti had no choice be to rearrange her face!

NBC News is a documented source according to Snopes.

Jacob Wohl is just a filthy kike conspiracy theorist.

Jacob Wohl – little pussy, running to the cops just because someone threatened to break into your house and murder you in your sleep.

Man-up, Wohl you little yid faggot!

Here’s how this can be solved:

Fight Michael Avenatti!

He will do boxing or MMA – he doesn’t give a shit!

He just wants a chance to get revenge on you for him beating this stupid bitch!

You even admit that you love his motto about beating women!

If you don’t want him to come to your house and kill you in your sleep, as he is publicly threatening to do, then you’d better just step into the ring with him and take your ass-whooping!

I’m sure that Avenatti will agree to settle the score in the ring, instead of in your bedroom at night.

Otherwise, you’re going to end up in the type of Michael Myers situation Avenatti is threatening you with!