Enemy Soldier Found Hiding Neck Deep in Poop in Foiled Attempt to Invade England

Daily Stormer
May 18, 2015

Police were preventing the enemy troops from hijacking the lorries, so one enterprising young savage tried hiding in a truck full of faeces instead, hoping that his natural disguise would save him.

These creatures really will sink to trying just about anything to break into the promised land of Britain.


The Eritrean refugee was found neck-deep in the horse and sheep dung by Calais border forces.

He was treated for shock and dehydration before being taken to a detention centre outside Calais.

A spokesman said: “It was like quicksand.

“Every time he moved, he sank a bit deeper.

“We searched for other migrants who may have sunk beneath the surface, but he was the only one in there.”

In March Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart blamed Britain’s benefits system for the migrant crisis.

She revealed that migrants “expect better conditions” in Britain than anywhere else in the world.

That’s some serious devotion right there.

This guy must really hate the French.

Calais officials were only able to spot the creature hiding among all the manure when it opened its eyes.