Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
August 9, 2014

The flood of nations, peoples and tongues continues to pour into Europe, drowning all good people in their path in a sea of criminality, sucking the life out of the White nations they seek to consume.
As thousands of parasites congregate at Calais sitting around all day waiting to be fed with free food handouts, thousands more are manning their battleships and heading for Italy and Spain.
They no longer try to sneak ashore, instead they just hang around and wait to be picked up by the gullible sea-rescue teams that then ferry them to land in safety.
Just in the last 24 hours 2,500 were picked up by the Italian Navy and already this year 91,000 savages have been set loose in Europe to rape and to pillage.
Whenever we see these creatures we need to see them for exactly what they are, nothing but a plague upon our people.
For they are not of our people and they have nothing we could ever make use of.
They are nothing but locusts and canker-worms and need to be identified as such.

Migrants flowing into Europe by boat from Africa this year are expected to exceed 100,000 by mid-August, officials have said.
Nearly 91,000 people have reached Italy by sea since the start of the year, already close to the record-high of 92,000 arrivals in 2011.
It came as another 2,500 arrived in Italy in the last 24 hours after being rescued by the navy and coastguard while crossing the Mediterranean.
Around 1,000 people were brought by the coastguard into the southern port of Reggio Calabria.
Another 958 migrants arrived in the Sicilian town of Pozzallo on board a navy vessel, while over 500 people reached the city of Palermo.
Most of them are Egyptians, Pakistanis, Eritreans, Syrians and Somalis, the authorities said.
Italy’s navy and coast guard have been patrolling the Mediterranean Sea since last October as part of an EU-funded search-and-rescue mission called ‘Mare Nostrum’ (Our Sea).
But overwhelmed by the numbers, the country is increasingly waiving European rules to fingerprint migrants, allowing them to move on.
Many are then heading to Britain via Calais, where the unprecedented influx is causing a tense summer as clashes break out among asylum-seekers in overcrowded camps.
Sudanese and Eritreans have battled in the heat in France’s port city, with frustrations rising as the Africans jockey for space while trying to sneak into Britain – the dream destination some 30 kilometers (20 miles) away.
British police have been on site trying to make sure they don’t cross over.
Their French counterparts fired tear gas on Tuesday to break up the latest battles that left dozens injured, one seriously, the Calais prefecture said.
Migrants fleeing poverty and war in Africa and the Middle East arrive in Calais with hopes of crossing the channel on a ferry or on trucks laden with cargo.