Enoch Powell: Political Hero

Juno News
April 12, 2014

NPG x171729; Enoch Powell
Enoch Powell

Enoch Powell was a political hero who stood up for the British people and nation. He was no isolationist. Central to his thinking was how best to fight for Britain as a people and nation. He thought it was madness that our Parliament in London was transferring its powers to unelected foreigners in Belgium ( An act of national shame) . Giving up control of your country.

Anyone being compared to Enoch Powell is a huge, huge compliment. If people had listened to Powell, London today would not have a 12% black population committing 60% of street crime. Thousands – yes, thousands – of white working class girls would not have been raped by Muslim paedophile gangs. There would be no developing “no-go” zones for Non-Muslims. With the Northern Ireland peace settlement, “home grown” terrorism would largely be a thing of the past. We would not be looking forward to the sort of governance as practiced by Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets spreading across the country as the Muslim population grows.

Democracy has been woken up and is asserting itself. The Establishment, which was convinced that it was unassailably superior to every voter in the land, is now doing its desperate best to kill off democracy once and for all, but the only way it might succeed would be to destroy the internet first, which in practice is not possible.

As the sheer disaster of mass immigration unfolds (it’s only just starting), Enoch Powell will end up being regarded as a visionary, while pathetic libtards like Tony Blair will be despised.

A large majority of the population agreed with Enoch Powell at the time.

Enoch Powell has been proved right in his warning.

The problem was, , he did not have a political party behind him; he was simply a lone voice – and immediately demonized by the Establishment, of course.

This meant that if the public were to support his views on Immigration in any way that could produce a result, they all had to join in (i.e. take over) the branches of their local political parties (of each stripe) and make them vehicles for a restricted Immigration policy.

Most human beings in the land – WRONGLY but understandably – chose instead to get on with their own lives and not spend several hours a week in political meetings.

The upshot is what you have seen: a political class more and more deaf and blind to the desires and needs of the nation, finally opening the floodgates to Tidal Waves of immigrants from abroad, most of whom are economic migrants, many of whom are culturally ultra-alien, and some of whom are actively hostile to this country and its traditions.

The difference this time around is that there is a Nationalist movement behind the country calling for a Immigration block and this gives the ordinary voter a chance to support such a policy without having to dedicate a full quarter of his or her time to political meetings.

That is what has got the members of the political and media Lunatic Mainstream so rattled.   At long last their long bluff is being called.
