January 9, 2015
For years, concerned Europeans have attempted to warn the public at large about the dangers that Islam and mass Muslim immigration into Europe pose. These concerned Europeans have been labelled “Islamophobes”, “Xenophobes”, and “Intolerant” as a result of their resistance to the Islamic invasion of Europe.

The leftist mass media and the political left in Europe are those responsible for dismissing legitimate concerns regarding Islam and the character assassination of those sounding the alarm.
So as 3,000 European Muslims joined the Islamic State’s jihad in Syria and Iraq, the leftist traitors in European media and politics instead chose to focus on the dangers of the “far right” and their Islamophobic beliefs.
For example, in wake of the burgeoning PEGIDA protests in Germany, politicians, celebrities, and the church have united to denounce the protests as ‘hollow prejudice’ and urged Germans to say “no to xenophobia” and “yes to diversity and tolerance”. Furthermore, in her New Years address to the nation, Chancellor Merkel urged Germans to reject PEGIDA, characterizing the movement as “full of prejudice and hatred”.

In reality, the only danger of the European “far right” is their potential to continue their rise throughout the European continent, at the expense of the Socialists who have facilitated the Islamic invasion of Europe and silenced all opposition to their radical immigration policies.
The political left in Europe is allied with the Muslim immigrants, much like the American left is allied with the Mexican invaders, so their focus is on demonizing their political enemies on the right, while dismissing the radical elements they brought to Europe’s shores.
Therefore, it comes to no surprise that the leftist European press immediately warned that the Paris terror attack would strengthen the far-right and the anti-immigration forces on the continent.
For example, ABC News Berlin ran a headline, “Paris Attack Raises Fears of Support Surge for Extreme Right”. The article should have been titled “Paris Attack Raises Fears of Radical Islam in Europe”.
It should be noted that many European Nationalists consider those who coordinated mass Muslim immigration into Europe as traitors, and the political left is well aware that the Nationalists, if, and when, they take power, will hold them accountable for their actions.

A Nuremberg-eque series of trials will be conducted to expose the traitors, and leftist ideologies promoting mass immigration, multiculturalism, diversity, etc. will be marginalized and suppressed. Knowing this, the left will use every tool in their Marxist playbook in order to prevent the coming Nationalist revolutions that will restore order to European nations and place the interests of Europeans above any and all foreigners.
Civil War
British politician Nick Griffin, in a Facebook post on the ‘British Unity’ page, issued the following warning:
- “Longer-term, understand this: The shots in Paris will echo around Europe. They mark the real beginning of a Europe-wide Civil War. It cannot now be avoided, because it has already started.
Griffin ended his statement with this message:
- “The only question that remains is whether, whichever way it ends, the peoples of Europe will, along the way, also settle scores with the elite psychopaths, crooks and anti-white racists who created mass immigration and imported the Muslim Menace in the first place.”
Moreover, the New York Times quoted Peter Neumann, director of the International Center for the Study of Radicalization at King’s College London, who stated “This is a dangerous moment for European societies. With increasing radicalization among supporters of jihadist organizations and the white working class increasingly feeling disenfranchised and uncoupled from elites, things are coming to a head.
The New York Times also quoted French scholar of Islam and Radicalization, Olivier Roy, who called the Paris attacks a “quantitative and therefore qualitative turning point.”
The sleeping giant of European Nationalism is awakening. The French have had enough. The British have had enough. The Germans have had enough. The Italians have had enough. The entire Western world has had enough. The time for tolerance has passed. All pleas for “calm” and “understanding” must be ignored. This situation must be addressed NOW.
The parties responsible for the current state of affairs are well known to all European Nationalists. Their treacherous actions must be exposed to the European masses. They must be forced to answer for their deeds and for the policies that have Balkanized Europe.
They must answer for placing the interests of hostile foreigners above the interests of the natives who entrusted them with protecting their nations. They must answer for flooding European nations with millions of third world immigrants without ever asking the people.
No more cowardice, no more capitulation, no more running. The breaking point has been reached. The future of Western Civilization hangs in the balance.
I implore the peoples of Mother Europa to take a stand in defense of your fatherlands. Further, I implore all Western peoples throughout Western nations outside of Europe (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America) to do the same.
Identify the Marxist fifth columns within your nations as your enemy, as they have surely identified all Patriots as their political enemies. That is why they are in the process of replacing you with their third world allies inside your own nations.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
In Honor of the French Victims
As a self-proclaimed Heretic, I feel compelled to stand with the French victims from Charlie Hebdo, who were fellow Heretics that died in defense of Free Speech, a cherished institution throughout the West that must be defended at all costs.
So in solidarity with the victims from Charlie Hebdo, and in the name of Freedom of Speech, I have decided to post the ‘blasphemous’ images that got them killed below:
Stephane Charbonnier, victim of the Paris attacks, courageously stated in 2012, “I’d rather die standing than live on my knees.”
Charbonnier and his colleagues at Charlie Hebdo (along with two brave police officers) died in the defense of Free Speech, and my thoughts and prayers go out to their families, friends, and the entire French nation, as well as the global Western community.
As the demonstrators in Paris and throughout the world proudly proclaimed: WE ARE NOT AFRAID.