Enough with the Chess Memes Already

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2017

Some people are saying Trump was a shill all along, some people are saying he is making bad decisions due to being surrounded by Jews, some people are saying he’s being blackmailed.

It doesn’t really matter what led us to this place, what matters is that we are in this place.

And this place that we are in is looking worse by the second.

The place that we are in is a place where we appear to be on a collision course for World War Three because of some idiotic fake gas attack.

Some Trump loyalists are claiming that the attack on Syria was all part of a chess game.

I’m willing to hear people out on their chess theories, but at this point, from where I’m sitting, it would be irresponsible to take these theories very seriously.

We need to assume that this is all exactly what it looks like, and call for immediate deescalation of US aggression against Syria and Russia.

Watching Randhawa and Tillerson on TV today has certainly done nothing to assuage fears that we are dealing with the worst conceivable scenario.

We are going to know a lot more about what is going on tomorrow and the next day, and in a week we’ll pretty much know for sure what the deal is, but let’s weigh the potential outcomes that we can see right now.

Basically, everything is based on the relative power in the administration of Kushner vs that of Bannon.

Best Case: Kushner Goes, Bannon Stays

This scenario would involve deescalation of the Syrian provocation, making nice with Russia. Probably there would be no admission of wrong-doing, and we certainly wouldn’t ever fully regain trust in Trump, but there would still be room to salvage his Presidency, to get some good out of it.

Unfortunately, this scenario is extremely unlikely.

Medium Case: Kushner and Bannon Stay

If both Kushner and Bannon stay on, we’ll have more of this back and forth, with some good and some bad happening. Probably, we would be left with simmering tensions with Russia, but not any further escalation. Bannon will be able to try to push through some of the domestic stuff we want, while Kushner will be slowed in trying to put boots on the ground in Syria.

This scenario is somewhat likely, but is really just kicking the can down the road – Bannon and Kushner’s agendas are mutually exclusive, and ultimately, one or the other is going to have to go.

Worst Case: Kushner Stays, Bannon Goes

If Bannon is fired or resigns, then you can pretty much assume that all of the worst imaginable things are going to begin happening. At least on the foreign policy front – there will be a few domestic victories to keep some portion of the base in line (though I don’t really know how much – Kushner is pro-amnesty and pro-free trade globalism).

We will end up in a direct confrontation with Russia in Syria, we will then escalate things in the Ukraine and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, and probably end up in an open shooting war with Russia and presumably nuclear weapons will be deployed at some point.

On April 9, 2017 at 1:57 PM, this is the most likely scenario.

This is All Happening Very Fast

A few days ago, I would never have imagined that I would be writing that the most likely scenario at present is that President Donald Trump will start a World War with Russia over a fake gas attack.

But again, I have a duty to be as objective as I can be here, and right now you have a rocket-propelled drive towards escalating Syria into a nightmare situation.

Saying “oh this will probably just go away” doesn’t make any sense. It might go away. Trump might decide to fire Kushner tomorrow, reinstate Bannon as the lead ideological figure in the administration, explain away the Syria strike as a one-off thing that was just “blah blah blah, can’t use chemical weapons,” and bring us back around to where we were last week.

But right now, there is nothing to indicate that is going to happen. And I can’t really see why he would do something so extreme as attack Assad if indeed he was not ready to go further (again – the “oh he just needed to do it to get the media and the liberals and cucks off his back” explanations could be correct – I don’t know – but I think assuming they are correct when there is no actual evidence that what is happening is anything other than what it looks like is irresponsible).

What to Do?

The first thing we need to do is not mope around and pity ourselves. We voted for an agenda that was a real agenda, and it is now looking like that agenda won’t happen. Yes, we poured our hearts and souls into it, and yes, this is sad. But that’s life. We have to keep going forward.

The second thing we need to do is stop arguing and insulting one another.

The third thing we need to do is stop saying “SEE I TOLD YOU TRUMP WAS A SHILL ALL ALONG IT WAS ALL A SCAM WE’VE BEEN HAD!!!!1111” This could actually be true (I don’t really think it is), but it doesn’t matter either way, and sulking around with that sort of “IT’S TOTAL DOOM” attitude isn’t ever going to help anything.

The fourth and most important thing is to start meming against this war.

Our memes are powerful. We have the ability to influence public thought. Right now, claiming that Trump was always part of some diabolical plan by Jews is not a helpful meme. The helpful meme is that he is being influenced by bad forces, in particular Jared Kushner, and he needs to be put back on the right track. Whatever you personally believe, that is the message that is going to resonate with the majority of Trump supporters, those who have the ability to influence his behavior.

The Bannon plan is correct: he is never going to get any real support or even much tacit approval from Democrats, so the most important thing for him is to keep the base. The base is already crumbling after the Syria attack, and it needs to be made clear that the further he goes with this, the further his base will disintegrate.

The Alt-Right is now an anti-war movement. This may well become our defining characteristic for a long time to come.

So get used to that.

Seriously, Don’t Mope

This is weird.

It’s all very, very weird.

To me, it still doesn’t feel quite real.

But it is real. This is what is happening. And we need to deal with it, to man-up, to keep going.

Nothing about our agenda has changed. Nothing about our agenda was ever dependent on Trump. Our agenda exists independently of Trump and it always did. The Trump phenomena helped our movement. Breaking from Trump, our movement is much, much stronger than it was when we began supporting Trump. That is the fact.

We have lost nothing.

We have potentially lost the chance to gain some things, but we didn’t actually ever have those things, so we couldn’t lose them.

We had a vision of how we hoped things would go, now they’re not going that way, so we’re going to do something different. That’s all. We as a movement are stronger than we’ve ever been, and we will continue to gain strength as an anti-war opposition movement.

Our ideas are the only powerful ideas which exist anymore. That is why Trump gained power from using our ideas. But when Trump stops using our ideas, these ideas do not somehow become less powerful. We can take anything the system throws at us and use it to gain more power and influence over the minds of the people.

Chin up, lads.

Because regardless of whatever the hell is going on with Trump, we are playing chess.

Hail Victory.