Enrich This Bitch Down: Honor Killing Paki Female Found Chopped Up in a Freezer in London

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2017

The thing that racists don’t want to understand is that diversity enriches our culture with vibrancy.

The reason that they are unable to understand this is that they are blinded by pure hatred for the color of the skin.

Back in the 1950s, British society was drab and boring. People wanted more. They wanted interesting things to be happening.

And although race doesn’t exist and all races are exactly the same, people with darker skin are more interesting and have real cultures and customs which white people do not have.


A 19-year-old girl’s body was allegedly chopped up and stuffed in a freezer after she was stabbed to death in a suspected honor killing at a £1.5 million home in South West London.

A 21-year-old woman, understood to be the cousin of the victim, was also injured in the attack and is in “serious but stable” condition in hospital.

She reportedly managed to escape with a knife wound to the neck. Hospital staff alerted police, who then went to the home to find the remains hidden in a freezer.

According to The Sun, police arrested three suspects, including the builder working on the house for the owners who live next door. They are reportedly questioning two men, 33 and 38, and a 29-year-old woman.

The perpetrator is believed to be the uncle of the 19-year-old and step-father of the other victim.

“The girls had got mixed up with a gang of guys. One wanted to marry one of the boys and her Pakistani family couldn’t take that,” a family friend of the owners told the tabloid.

“Whoever did this cut her up Jack the Ripper style.”

A neighbor, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Daily Mail a man was arrested when he tried to flee the country from Dover.

“Relatives told me that the man was Asian and was caught at Dover trying to leave the country.

“I heard he kidnapped them both and chopped one of them up and put her in the freezer. I heard he slit the other one’s throat.”

Police had been called to the address earlier over fears for the welfare of the two women.

They carried out a search of the detached property, which the victim’s relative was reportedly renovating, and initially found nothing. They made the grim discovery during a second visit.

Detective Chief Inspector Sam Price said police are working hard to understand the circumstances of this “despicable act” and establish the motive for the incident.

Well guys, you better be careful in looking for that motive.

Because it sure as hell isn’t “because this is the exact same thing they do in their own country.”

Along with enriching our culture with the good parts of their culture – for example, kebab and interesting ways of dressing and smelling – they leave all of the negative parts of their culture behind when they engage in the true democracy of human rights which is so valued in the West.