Enriched AF: Acid is Now Weapon of Choice for Random Attacks in London

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2017

A desire for multiculturalism can no longer be masked as anything other than a collective white suicide drive.

I understand that this is a result of psychological trauma inflicted on whites by the Jewish race. Of course it is that.

But the majority of people defending the multicultural system are white, and they can no longer claim that this is anything other than gang-rape, getting run over by trucks, getting welfare leeched, losing control of entire areas of cities to drug gangs and acid attacks.

So “yes, we want multiculturalism” is “yes, we want to suffer and die.”

I don’t think over-analyzing this is necessarily helpful. But you do have here a collective demand for suicide by a race. And no other population has ever done this before.

Fox News:

A horrific wave of acid attacks have overtaken London, leaving victims gruesomely disfigured and suffering life-altering injuries amid a growing trend that’s seen the corrosive liquid become the weapon of choice for British attackers.

Two teenagers, 15 and 16, were arrested Friday following an overnight swath of attacks in which men on mopeds injured several people by tossing a noxious substance in their faces. 

At least one victim, a man in his 20s, was left with life-changing injuries, police said.

Similar high-profile attacks have been plaguing the British city in recent months. In one assault, a 25-year-old man is accused of throwing acid at an aspiring model and her cousin as they sat in their car.

The number of reported attacks using corrosive liquids rose from 261 in 2015 to 454 in 2016, London police said. Some appeared to be related to gang activity or the theft of cars and motorbikes.

Most notably, in April, two people were left partially blinded after acid was sprayed at a crowded east London nightclub. A man has been charged and is awaiting trial.

The use of acid in attacks has even spread to children as young as 12 who have been arming themselves with substances “for self-defense.”

Heat Street reported in April that students are using acid because it’s much easier to conceal than a knife, with some even placing the liquid in a water bottle. Gang culture has been blamed for the spike in schools.

“A lot of people ain’t got the heart to stab people,” a student told The Sun. “It’s just easier to squirt someone.”

They are now calling for a ban on acid.

Like they are calling for a banning of truck rentals.

The fact that this is a cultural practice being brought in by these enrichful vibrants is not being discussed, but everyone is fully aware of it. That in itself is insane. That society will collectively accept not mentioning the fact that this is a behavior being engaged in exclusively by these new Europeans. Instead, it is framed as a random happening.

I don’t know if people consciously believe that or are just lying to each other. An emperor has no clothes situation. Or if they are engaging in denial. But if it is the latter, they are certainly aware subconsciously.