Environmentalism Should be an Alt-Right Issue

John Chrysostomos
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2018

When you hear someone describing themselves as an “environmentalist” one’s first reaction, from the gut, is “Gee, what a faggot that person must be.” But did you know that conservationism and preservation of nature is something the right has always embraced?

Like many other popular activist movements that arose in the 60s, the environmentalist movement was perverted by Jews. It had existed for a good 70 or 80 years by that point.

Most of the population growth in the US during the 1960s was from indigenous Americans (immigration accounted for 1 percent of US population growth in 1950, 5 percent in 1960, 13 percent in 1970, 38 percent in 1980, 58 percent in 1990, and 61 percent in 1996). Birth control and limiting population growth was considered an environmental issue during this time. However, with the enactment of the Jewish-engineered Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and the mass hysteria of the Civil Rights Era, the issue of population growth as it affected the environment had to be rephrased so that the enemy remained whites and white birth rates the target for elimination.

White environmentalists knew what was up, of course:

Paul Watson, one of the founders of Greenpeace, once said:

The accusation that a stand to reduce immigration is racist is music to the ears to those who profit from the cheap labor of immigrants. They are the same people who love to see environmentalists make fools of themselves. And there is no environmentalist more foolish than one who refuses to confront the fact that uncontrolled human population growth is the No. 1 cause of the world’s increasing environmental problems.

Many of the ills plaguing the West, such as overcrowding, lack of suitable housing, competition for jobs and of course pollution, could be solved handily by simply turning off the faucet and limiting the influx of low-skilled foreigners.

The fact that the SPLC, that strange organisation that feeds off the “hatred” of whites to survive, is opposed to whites embracing environmentalism should be a sign that it’s /ourmovement/. Here, (((Betsy Hartmann))) engages in Jew mind trickery and Talmudic logic trying to make a convincing argument that immigration has no environmental impact but all she succeeds in doing is debunking the myth of Jewish intellectual supremacy.

The Greening of Hate:

The argument that it’s better to keep poor people in poor countries so they consume less is just plain wrong on a number of counts. First, it diverts attention from the urgent need to address overconsumption: with only 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. presently consumes 20% of its resources. Whatever the rate of immigration, well-off Americans need to change their lifestyles for the future of the planet.

[P]rotecting the environment does not mean you have to keep people poor.

Americans need to address their overconsumption but somehow immigrants, who now account for 75% of annual population growth, will forego all technological advancements available to them and instead build indigenous houses like those found in their own shit hole countries? We’ve all seen Arabs and Somalis fresh off the boat from their respective blighted lands driving SUVs and talking on their iPhones really loudly. Myth debunked.

Many immigrant communities bring with them traditions of greater respect for the environment. In my hometown of Amherst, Mass., Cambodian immigrants helped spur a revival in community gardens.

Why can’t they spur a cleaning spree in Phnom Penh? What’s to stop them from doing to America what they’ve done to their country? Another canard that’s been skewered.

Meanwhile, the few countries in the world where population growth rates still remain high, such as those in sub-Saharan Africa, have the lowest per capita carbon emissions.

Could that have anything to do with sub-Saharan Africa not having anything to require and, hence, emit carbon?

What strange, twisted logic. We can see now why Jews all become lawyers, they have no integrity or honesty; they are born to lie.

Of course, Jews don’t want to save the environment. If they did they wouldn’t be demanding white countries be penalized for using plastic responsibly; they would instead target the third world countries that pollute the 10 rivers which transport 90% of the plastics that are found in the oceans (two are in Africa while the rest are in Asia).