Epic Bluff: Turkey Issues Ultimatum to EU

Daily Stormer
August 2, 2016


Erdogan is a master poker player.

A clever bluffer can make other players believe he has a good hand, even though he has only bad cards.

A master bluffer, however, can win the game without having any cards at all or even putting up his share of the pot.


Turkey will not fulfill its part of the refugee deal with the EU if the bloc does not lift its visa requirements for Turkish citizens by October, Turkey’s foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, told a German daily.

Turkey’s fulfillment of its commitments under the refugee deal with the EU “depends on the lifting of visa requirements for our citizens that is also a subject of the agreement,” Cavusoglu said during an exclusive interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

I have some bad news for  you, you Turkish cockroach: your keeping Constantinople “depends” on our good mood. Once people are reminded of the centuries of violence you stupid monkeys imposed on our people, this mood will sour very quickly.


You still remember this guy? Keep it up, and Vlad 2.0 is coming. He might even still be named Vlad…

The minister also stressed that the Turkish government is waiting for a “specific deadline” to be set for the lifting of visa requirements. “It can be early or mid-October but we wait for an exact date,” he said.

Cavusoglu also emphasized that his words are “not a threat,” but added that “if there is no visa abolition, we will be forced to abandon the agreement struck on March 18 concerning taking back [refugees].”

The arrogance of these roaches is staggering.


“I’m not threatening you, human. But if you don’t leave your doors open for my kin, we will enact consequences.”

The notion that we depend on Erdogan’s good will to deport all of these migrants was only a dumb lie by Merkel to justify giving the Turks access to Europe. In reality, the rulers of the EU are solidly in favor of receiving infinity Moslem refugees.

If we were truly motivated in stopping these migrants, we’d simply sink their boats and gun them down at the borders. The “crisis” would stop after 24 hours, guaranteed.

In fact, we could just announce to the world that refugees will now be put into work camps and fed rice and water, and will never be allowed to receive benefits or a permanent visa. That would also stop the flow of “refugees” immediately.

Theme Dinner Event - Sultan_s Feast

Once these monkeys are no longer treated like sultans, they’ll mostly lose interest.

This “threat” by the Turks is nothing but a meaningless puff of hot air. They have nothing to offer, and only want gibs.