
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2016


It’s no less human just because it’s a hideously deformed mutant.

Many Nazis on the internet, led by their Supreme Leader, Adolf Der Trump, are pushing the idea that we need to block immigration from countries affected by the Zika virus. What’s more, they are pushing the idea that Zika mutants are somehow “less human” than non-mutant humans.

This hatred is the same old hatred that launched the Crusades, enslaved the Blacks and gassed the Jews. If we decide that certain humans are better than other humans, we have effectively formulated a new Nazi empire.

Instead of rejecting the Zika mutants, we must embrace them. They are not an “other.” In fact, they are no different than us: they are simply humans. Humans who have been mutated are no lesser than non-mutants. They should have the same opportunity to live in America as everyone else in every other country on the planet.

These Nazis fear that the American future will be a lot more mutated than present-day America. But this is just that: fear. First they feared a browner America, and this has worked out just fine. I say: so what if America has a mutant future? Mutants are just as normal and capable as non-mutants, and a mutant America is nothing to fear.

Join me in confronting the hatred these Zika mutants are facing from bigoted non-Mutants using the hashtag #EqualityForZikaMutants.