Erdogan and Putin Now BFFs, Pipeline Deal Revived

Daily Stormer
October 12, 2016


Someone really needs to coach Erdogan on not looking like a slimy, evil bastard on these photos. He literally looks like a Bond villain here.

So, everything seemed to be indicating that Russia and Turkey were in the process of becoming close allies. This was a total 180 from before, when Turkey was shooting down Russian planes and gloating about it.

But it seems it’s really true.

New York Times:

Amid increasingly tense relations with the United States over Syria, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia took advantage of a routine meeting in Istanbul on Monday to advance the Kremlin’s reconciliation with Turkey, including an agreement to revive a suspended natural-gas pipeline project.

The new pipeline, known as the Turkish Stream, would run under the Black Sea to Turkey and then the Greek border, allowing Russian gas to reach Western markets without using Russia’s existing export pipelines through Eastern Europe.

The pipeline would make it much easier for Russia to cut off gas supplies to neighboring countries like Ukraine without disrupting sales to countries farther west like Italy or Austria. Russia has been trying for years to establish such an export route.


Shieeeet, nigga! That’s some 4d chess right there!

It all makes sense now.

Putin got Erdogan in his pocket in order to strengthen his position in the Middle East – but that was a diversion for his true goal, which was to set up this pipeline.

The pipeline allows him to bypass Ukraine and other Eastern European countries which are leaning towards NATO, allowing him to starve them of the much needed natural gas if they side against him in the upcoming confrontation against the US.

I mean, I guess.

Both Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogan have had recent troubles with Washington. The United States broke off cooperation with Moscow over Syria and then accused the Kremlin of war crimes. Mr. Erdogan has been criticized by Washington for using the aftermath of a July coup attempt to introduce a sweeping crackdown against a wide array of critics, going well beyond the coup plotters and their backers.


No, seriously, how did this guy get elected? He’s like a Sith lord or something. Just look at him!

And what does Erdogan have to gain in all of this? How about a dictatorship for life? The US isn’t a pleasant ally. They meddle in everything, and tell you how to run your own country. If he wants to become a new Ottoman emperor or something, it makes sense to break away from that alliance and work with Russia, who doesn’t care about how he runs things.

Things are going to get really interesting, brothers.

I hope you’re on a Vault-Tec waiting list.
