Erdogan Calls Germany Nazi State

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2017

Merkel has bowed all the way down to Erdogan. She does absolutely everything he demands of her. At one point, she went so far as to prosecute a comedian for making fun of him, after he’d ordered her to do so.

But guess what?

It still isn’t enough for him.

He demands more.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed the German government, saying that its actions aimed at blocking rallies of Turkish nationals in Germany were ‘no different to those of the Nazi period,’ AFP and Reuters report.

“Germany, you have no relation whatsoever to democracy and you should know that your current actions are no different to those of Nazi period. When we say that, they get disturbed. Why are you disturbed?” he was quoted by Reuters as saying at a rally in Istanbul on Sunday.

The Turkish leader’s comments follow the decision of the small German town of Gaggenau to withdraw the permit for Thursday’s rally, organized by the Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD), a group close to Erdogan.

The city administration explained the move by saying that they were concerned with security at the event, adding that potential overflows inside its town hall and the parking lot outside were also a problem.

Shortly after the Gaggenau decision, Cologne also cancelled an UETD event, where Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci was due to speak on Sunday, also citing security concerns.

Erdogan had already commented on the cancellation of the Turkish rallies on Saturday, saying that those behind it “need to be put on trial for aiding and abetting terror.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel replied to the criticism from Ankara, saying that the federal government had nothing to do with decisions made solely by local authorities.

So, Merkel is apologizing, saying she had nothing to do with it.

But will she do as she’s been told, and prosecute the local government officials who canceled the rallies?

She’d better. Elsewise, he might just slap her around.

After all, he’s the boss.

Germany is a colony of Turkey.