Erdogan: “If I Want, I’ll Go to Germany Tomorrow – If They Stop Me, I Will Stir Up the World”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 6, 2017

So here you have the President of Turkey openly declaring that he has the ability to rule over Germany, that the German people have no way to stop him from simply asserting his will over them.

The Independent:

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he will “stir up the world” if he is banned from giving speeches in Germany.

Diplomatic tensions have been rising after German authorities withdrew permission for two rallies in German cities amid growing public outrage over Ankara’s arrest of a Turkish-German journalist.

“Now they think Tayyip Erdogan wants to go to Germany. I will go if I want to,” Mr Erdogan said at a meeting in Istanbul over the weekend, the Hurriyet daily reports.

“If you don’t let me in, or restrain me from giving a speech, then I will stir up the world.”

Mr Erdogan has come under fire for accusing Germany of “Nazi practices” for withdrawing permission for the rallies.

“Germany, you don’t have anything to do with democracy,” he told a rally in Istanbul. “These current practices of yours are no different than the Nazi practices of the past.”

The planned rallies were part of a Turkish government campaign to win support among Germany’s 1.5 million-strong Turkish community for sweeping new presidential powers going to referendum in April.

Mr Erdogan also told the meeting: “I am calling out to the German authorities, I am calling out to the world that believes in democracy: If we are fighting for freedom, if we are not uncomfortable with freedom of speech, if we believe in democracy, nobody can block us.”

This is a blatant, naked declaration of rulership over Germany by a foreign power, accompanied by a threat against them if they get out of line.

This is what happens to weak people: strong people come and bully them, take things away from them, rule over them. The German people are so disgustingly weak that they have given a woman to rule over them. They have sent the woman who rules them out into the world to invite foreign people to come to their nation, to be fed, housed and clothed, to rape their women on the street.

There has never in the history of civilization been a more blatant and aggressive projection of weakness and a desire to be exploited than the current global presentation of the German people.

They are shouting “come and abuse us, we want you to.”

Do you remember the Nirvana song?

Rape me, rape me my friend
Rape me, rape me again
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one

Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one

My favorite inside source
I’ll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You’re gonna stink and burn

Rape me, rape me my friend
Rape me, rape me again
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one

Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me

This is the message the German people are sending to the world. They are screaming it, as Kurt screamed it.

And of course, people who otherwise would not be coming from a position of strength – 85-IQ third world savages – are asserting themselves, declaring control over Germans as a race.

That is what Erdogan has done here.

He has said “I decide what happens in Germany.”

And then he adds: “What are you going to do about it?”

Germany remains silent.

They are ruled by a woman, these people. Literally. A woman.

And the whole world is seeing this.

Erdogan frames it in terms of Western values – “free speech.” But third world people don’t even possess the cognitive ability to grasp abstract concepts like freedom of speech. All they see is this man declaring dominance over a country which once came within inches of conquering the world.

Whether Germany is thinking in historical terms or not is irrelevant. The Turks are thinking in historical terms. They are looking at their present incursions into Germany through the lens of having once been defeated by a German named Count Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg and a Pole named John III Sobieski when they themselves nearly conquered Europe in 1683.

This isn’t a confusing concept to grasp, this idea of viewing your people as a continuation of an historic people – your ancestors. It’s in fact about as simple as concepts get. But white European people have had their minds wiped by Jewish indoctrination, to the point where they not only don’t view themselves in terms of history, but are unable to grasp that other peoples are viewing themselves in these terms.

Here’s the thing though: Jewish indoctrination aside, if people do not stand up and fight this, then they do deserve to die.

If Germans will not fight, Germany will cease to exist. It will be overrun, the women raped and taken as trophies by the invading hordes. And that will be that.

This isn’t about right and wrong – which have become useless concepts, given that they’ve morphed into abstractions. It is simply the order of nature.