Erdogan Says Netherlands will Pay, Demands Sanctions Against Them Over Hurt Feelings

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 12, 2017

Over the past years, it has become clear that Angela Merkel will literally do anything the filthy Turkroach crimeboss Erdogan tells her to do. It has also been alleged that she gives him blowjobs at diplomatic meetings.

Now, he’s asking for something big: to sanction the Netherlands because they hurt his feelings.

Will she do it?

Well, she prosecuted a comedian for making fun of him because he told her to, she gave him 3 billion euros because he asked for it – I see no reason to believe she won’t do this.


The Dutch will “pay the price” for its “shameless” treatment of Turkey’s minister, President Recep Tayip Erdogan said in a strongly-worded statement. He also urged international organizations to put sanctions on the Netherlands.

“If you are willing to sacrifice Turkish-Dutch relations, you will pay for it,” Erdogan said on Sunday, as cited by Hurriyet. “What’s more, we’re not done yet,” the Turkish leader added.

Over the past few days, the West has revealed its “true face,” Erdogan continued, referring to the recent deportation of Turkish Family Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya, who was escorted out of the Netherlands by police.

Erdogan reiterated his previous assertion that the Netherlands’ conduct towards the Turkish officials was a sign of “Nazism, fascism,” repeating once again. “I said Nazism is dead. I thought Nazism was over, but I was wrong. It turns out that Nazism is reawakening in the West,” the president asserted.

“They will pay the price of treating my citizens, my foreign minister… in an impudent way,” he said.

Banning the family minister from entering the Turkish consulate was inconsistent with the freedom of movements, Erdogan said, hinting that he himself may travel to Europe to attend the rallies: “I can go to any country I want if I have a diplomatic passport.”

The Dutch “will learn what diplomacy is,” Erdogan said, adding that their actions “cannot remain unanswered,” according to AFP.

“They went as far as to lock the door of the consulate [in Rotterdam],” he stated.

Erdogan has also branded the Netherlands a “banana republic” for the way it treated Turkey’s foreign minister.

In another comment, the Turkish leader urged unspecified international organizations to “raise their voices” and impose sanctions on the Netherlands, AP reported.

The Netherland’s prime minister, Mark Rutte, reacted to Erdogan’s comments by saying that Ankara must apologize for comparing the Dutch to Nazis.

Rutte called the Turkish leader’s statements “unacceptable,” adding that they aren’t helping to de-escalate tensions between the two countries.

The Netherlands will have to respond if Turkey continues on its current path, he warned.

Earlier, Rutte said he is determined to ease the flare-up in tensions, saying “we want to be the more prudent party,” as quoted by Reuters.

“If they escalate, we will have to respond, but we will do everything in our power to de-escalate,” he said.

Every public statement this guy makes sounds like a threat of war.

That isn’t even an exaggeration.

Pretty much every statement he makes, it sounds like he’s ready to invade.

Why does anyone think this is okay?

I mean, just imagine if Putin got up and said this stuff.

Well, okay, you can say – Putin has a more powerful country.

Well, what if the leader of Belarus said this stuff?

What would happen?