Erdogan Says the UN is Over, Calls for Pan-Islamic Alliance Against the Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2018

Make a move, Haj. We got your back.

Wow, Erdogan doesn’t give a fuck anymore.

He’s just going all out.

Better late than never.

Hurriyet Daily News:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on May 16 said the United Nations has “finished” and “collapsed” in the face of Israeli brutality in the Gaza Strip.

“The U.N. is finished, ended, collapsed. At this moment I cannot reach the U.N. secretary general despite having a good friendship [with him],” Erdoğan said at a fast-breaking dinner in Ankara.

“We will never allow Jerusalem to be usurped by Israel. We will support the struggle of our brothers until the days when Palestinian lands – which have long been occupied – will have peace and security within the borders of a free Palestinian state,” he added.

“We will not remain silent to Israel even though the world closes its eyes to this oppression,” Erdoğan said.

The world really isn’t closing it’s eyes.

Unless by “world” you mean “Nimrata Randhawa.”

Punjabi kikesucker Nimrata Randhawa bends over, preparing to suck to wiener of an Oriental gentleman in exchange for support for a Jewish resolution.

The Europeans are pissed. Everyone is pissed. This was a jarring event, this massacre.

Earlier, he announced a mass rally to be held on Friday (May 18) in Istanbul’s Yenikapı Square to show solidarity with the Palestinians.

Turkey, as term president of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), called for an emergency OIC summit, also on May 18, in Istanbul to discuss joint action against Israel.

Erdoğan reportedly urged OIC member states to take a “common stance” on the Gaza killings in phone calls with Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, and Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

He stated that the U.S. decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem had “made a mockery of” the Israeli government, vowing to continue supporting the Palestinians “not only with our heart but also by every means available.”

Well, the most helpful form of support would be to declare war on Israel.

He probably isn’t going to do that any time soon, however.

But the point about the UN proving its complete uselessness by failing to address the gunning down on these Palestinian protesters on Monday is poignant.

The whole world witnessed this event, and basically no one thought it was okay. Even the Jewish Zionist radio host Michael Savage (Wiener) condemned it, asking why they couldn’t have just used water cannons. I assume he condemned it because he knows how bad it looks to the whole world, and he wants to do a “not all Zionist Jews support just slaughtering protesters” bit. But the point still stands. Everyone, everywhere, is like “holy shit wtf.”

Israel blew it big time, taking the mask off like this.

This has given so much fuel to the Moslems. They will be spending this political capital for years.

Erdogan – or “New Erdogan,” as I like to call him – has also called for a united front of all Moslems against the Jews.



Ankara has reacted with fury to the killing Monday of 59 Palestinians in clashes and protests, on the same day as the United States formally moved its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv in defiance of international outrage.

“Islamic countries should without fail review their relations with Israel,” Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim told his ruling party in parliament.

“The Islamic world should move as one, with one voice, against this massacre,” he added.

Yildirim said that Turkey had called an “extraordinary summit” of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Friday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan currently holds the rotating chairmanship of the body.

Maybe these silly monkeys are ready to get their shit together and start pushing the filthy rats into the sea…?

It would be the most extraordinary rat killing of all.

It has to be time for that.

Erdogan also had a call with the president of Iran – not a typical Turkish ally – and they were like “yeah, enough of this sectarian bullshit – GTKRWN.”


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan in a phone call on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump’s regional policies were “miscalculated”, and should be condemned by Muslim countries.

“Muslim countries should condemn U.S. and Israeli actions with a united voice,” Rouhani was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency

And that is the encouraging part.

Iranians are the only ones with the agency to make something happen.

But if a Turkey-Iran alliance were to happen, with the goal of initially fomenting revolution in Saudi Arabia then moving on the kikes, well… a man can dream, can’t he?

It’s easy if you try…

I hate Moslems as much as anyone, but if they can stop these kikes, I’m going to be their number one cheerleader.

There are 2 billion Moslems in the world, and 6 million Jews in Israel, so the fact that they haven’t gotten this shit done in 70 fucking years doesn’t give me much hope that they ever will… but it could be that Israel itself is creating the conditions to make it possible by purposefully self-isolating.

Could be.

A man can dream…

Two billion hajis could never make one Hadrian. But they don’t have to. All they have to do is unite and make a move. Let’s get this Shoah on the road.