Erdogan Orders Merkel to Stop Using the Term “Islamic Terrorism”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2017

One of the most bizarre aspects of global power dynamics over the last couple of years is this situation of Erdogan just ordering Merkel around, and her rushing to do everything he tells her to do.

I don’t really understand why she’s obligated to do this, even by liberal Jewish standards. I guess just because he’s a brown man from a brown country, so he has a right to direct the behavior of any and all white people.

In this case though, I honestly think it’s a sexual dynamics thing. Merkel is smitten with this king monkey. She is attracted to all monkeys, but this is the monkey she loves most.

The Local:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday rebuked German Chancellor Angela Merkel for using the expression “Islamist terrorism”, saying the phrase was not correct and saddened Muslims.

Speaking after a critical bilateral meeting with Erdogan, Merkel spoke of the need for Turkey and Germany to cooperate even further to fight against terror, including “Islamist terrorism” and Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants.

“We spoke in detail about… the questions of the fight against Islamist terrorism, against every form of terrorism, also the terrorism of the PKK,” she said alongside Erdogan at his palace in Ankara.

“We agree we want to cooperate, we are all affected by this. We agreed to have closer cooperation in the future,” she said.

Erdogan, sitting next to Merkel, was stony-faced as she spoke.

“This expression ‘Islamist terror’ seriously saddens us Muslims,” Erdogan replied, glancing sternly at the German chancellor.

“Such an expression is not correct because Islam and terror cannot be associated. The meaning of Islam is peace.”

Technically, it means “submission.” Not peace. You don’t have to speak Arabic to know that, you can just google it.

He said it would be “saddening” if the term was used because of the crimes of the so-called Islamic State (IS) extremist group, which has been blamed for a string of attacks in Turkey over the last year.

“Please let’s not use it. As long as it is used we need to stand against it. As a Muslim president personally I cannot accept that,” he said.

The president’s comments came after the two leaders tackled a series of hugely sensitive issues during the one day visit to Ankara by the German chancellor at a time of rising tensions between Ankara and Berlin.

His response delighted the pro-government press, with the Yeni Safak daily headlining on its website: “President Erdogan’s warning to Merkel”.

She did not use the phrase again at the meeting, though she did use it at a later press conference. However, I predict she cuts it from her vocabulary. On the sultan’s orders.