Eric Garner’s Fatass Daughter Braindead After McDouble Heart Attack

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2017

I want to personally thank McDonald’s for getting rid of this stupid bitch.

Eric Garner was a fat slob who it was claimed racist cops murdered because they hate niggers.

He was choked out in a famous 2014 video after resisting arrest, then just died.

This is where the “I can’t breathe” slogan came from, as he allegedly said that. Though it was never explained how not breathing for 15 seconds would cause a person to up and die on the spot.

The argument of white people was always that the sonovabitch was a fat slob and only died all of the sudden like that due to being so unhealthy. The New York Medical Examiner even said that he died of poor health.

Normal people do not die from 15 seconds of light choking. Even little babies in a swimming pool can hold their breath for five times that long.

“I can’t breathe” – he couldn’t breathe walking up a flight of stairs!

Now his own fat slob of a nigger daughter is braindead from double heart attacks.

What does that tell you?

NY Daily News:

Doctors have listed the daughter of police choke-hold victim Eric Garner as brain dead with no chance of recovery — five days after the mother of two suffered a massive heart attack, the Daily News has learned.

Family members rushed to Woodhull Hospital Thursday to say final goodbyes to Erica Garner, who became an outspoken critic of police brutality after her father’s death in 2013.

2014, actually.

But that’s cool.

I’m used to being a better fact-checker than the mainstream media, let me tell you.

The 27-year-old firebrand remained on life support Thursday morning, her mother Esaw Snipes said.


Who has double heart attacks at 27???

She needs a shirt that says “I can’t pump blood to my brain.”

Black people. That’s who.

“She’s not gone, she’s brain dead,” Garner’s heartbroken mother explained. “Physically she is still with us.”

The Rev. Al Sharpton also stopped by the hospital to pray with the family.

“We’re here with the family every day,” Sharpton said. “(Erica) was a warrior. She was a real activist, she was always involved. From three years ago, she never stopped. She was always at rallies, she was always calling me — ‘Reverend, we’ll do this. Reverend, we’ll do that. We’ll do it your way, then I’m gonna do it different than you.’

“It’s just sad to see her laying there and not the active Erica that we know,” he said.

So besides once again proving what we already knew – that the fat slob Eric Garner was about to fall over dead already when he died from a routine choke-out – this reminds me of another issue.

Namely, this, friends: blacks are an incredible WEIGHT on the American healthcare system.

Fat black people do not even feel bad about being fat. They think it is beautiful. They have done that since long before there was an anti “fat shaming” movement given to us by the rat kikes.

Black women are fat as hell.

By far the fattest race, with 56% of them being OBESE, black women are also the most likely to believe themselves “beautiful.”

So they are not even a little bit concerned.

Furthermore, these people are on drugs and they shoot and stab each other constantly.

They are a very, very serious drain on the medical system.

And get this – they don’t make any money.

They get all their healthcare free.

Then they have the actual nerve to complain to US about problems in their lives – including accusing cops of killing them when in actual fact they died of obesity.

Ta-Nehisi Coates is as ungrateful as they come. 

We need to send them back.

This situation is out of control.