Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 6, 2015

Eric Holder has admitted outright that the Negro whining slogan of “hands up – don’t shoot” – used by millions of protesters not only across the US but across the planet – was a lie. Michael Brown did not have his hands up, that the story was completely faked by his government and the media.

Apparently, no one is calling for his arrest for inciting riots, nor is anyone calling for any of these media outlets to be investigated for spreading false information for the express purpose of inciting chaos.
He acknowledge the faked story as he released the Justice Department’s investigation of the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo.
“I recognize that the findings in our report may leave some to wonder how the department’s findings can differ so sharply from some of the initial, widely reported accounts of what transpired,” Holder said at the press conference.
However, Holder declined to criticize the TV-media frenzy — and the claims by local African-American protesters — that spread the false claim that the dead youth, Michael Brown, had his hands up shortly before his was shot by police officer Darren Wilson.
Instead, Holder suggested the media and Americans recognize the fakery. “It remains not only valid – but essential – to question how such a strong alternative version of events was able to take hold so swiftly, and be accepted so readily,” he said.
I’ll tell you, Eric – it took hold so swiftly because it was financed by Jew Soros, and it was accepted because the Jew media accepted it. Your people aren’t even really to blame here. They were exploited to be used as a battering-ram against White America by the Jews.

From the report: “there are several individuals who have stated that Brown held his hands up in an unambiguous sign of surrender prior to Wilson shooting him dead [but] their accounts do not support a prosecution of Wilson.”
“As detailed throughout this report, some of those accounts are inaccurate because they are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence; some of those accounts are materially inconsistent with that witness’s own prior statements with no explanation, credible for otherwise, as to why those accounts changed over time. Certain other witnesses who originally stated Brown had his hands up in surrender recanted their original accounts, admitting that they did not witness the shooting or parts of it, despite what they initially reported either to federal or local law enforcement or to the media. Prosecutors did not rely on those accounts when making a prosecutive decision,” the report concluded.
This is completely insane, people. This is an admission not simply that the slogan was a hoax, but the entire ongoing Ferguson fiasco was a hoax. Even after admitting Darren Wilson did nothing wrong, the Negro Occupation and their Jew media allies kept indicating that some element of truth must have existed. But now, they are flatly admitting that the entire thing was manufactured, and was exactly what we here at the Daily Stormer said it was all along – a clear-cut situation of a violent Black criminal robbing a store, getting stopped by police, going for the cops gun and getting shot – something that happens on a regular basis in America.
Eric Holder did not even frame this as an apology, even though he himself was one of the most key figures in purposefully spreading this hoax. Instead he blamed the media.
All of these people need to apologize, and some of them need to be criminally prosecuted.
This is hell we’ve lived through for almost a year in this country. Someone needs to be held responsible.
This is probably the biggest hoax since the holocaust.