Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2015

Following his public admission that there was absolutely nothing done wrong by Officer Darren Wilson in his heroic act of self-defense against the fantastically violent criminal cigar-thief and gentle giant Michael Brown, Eric “My People” Holder has decided to try and save face by accusing the Ferguson police department of being involved in a massive conspiracy to hurt Black people’s feelings for no reason.
So it’s “yeah, I was wrong about all that Michael Brown stuff – nearly a year of on-and-off rioting was all due to a hoax which I nurtured by accusing the police force of being a part of a massive anti-Black conspiracy. Coincidentally, however, this same exact town’s police department is part of a massive anti-Black conspiracy which is completely unrelated to the Michael Brown incident.”
Seriously. This is actually, literally what he is saying. He is basing it on some allegedly racist joking in emails, wherein some cops called the Black President a monkey or whatever.
They are not even trying to pretend this makes sense anymore. And the media is just going right along with it.
“We are prepared to use all the powers that we have, all the power that we have, to ensure that the situation changes there,” Mr. Holder told reporters here after returning from Columbia, S.C., where he appeared with President Obama at a town hall-style meeting at Benedict College. “That means everything from working with them to coming up with an entirely new structure.”
Asked if that included dismantling the police force, Mr. Holder said: “If that’s what’s necessary, we’re prepared to do that.”
His remarks came after two police supervisors in Ferguson resigned after being linked to racist emails turned up by a Justice Department investigation.
In a scathing report released on Wednesday, the Justice Department’s civil rights division described the Ferguson police and Municipal Court as a system whose primary function was to make poor black people pay as many fines and fees as possible for petty offenses, real or invented. It called the system and some of its people racially discriminatory, and the police brutal.
I don’t even know what to say anymore. Alleging that a massive conspiracy existed simply to hurt Black people is so ridiculous and goofy that it should obviously be dismissed out of hand by all normal people.
I mean, I am a racist. I talk to a lot of racists. Never in my life have I ever had personal contact with someone who had a desire to hurt Black people because they like to see them suffer. The concept just doesn’t make any logical sense. Why would anyone want to do that? Who are these people? How can an entire group of them get together and run an entire police department to fulfill their weird fantasy of hurting Black people’s feelings?