Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2014

Chief commissar of the Planet of the Apes occupational government, Eric Holder, has come out and strangely declared that a secretive and invisible racist conspiracy exists against him, and that this is much more serious than open and hostile racism.
What this appears to indicate is that because there is so little open racism in American society, the racism milkmen must then chase a sort of ghost racism, which cannot be defined and which no one has the ability to measure.
Here are some bits of his latest weird teary-eyed attack on White America, with a few comments:
But we ought not find contentment in the fact that these high-profile expressions of outright bigotry seem atypical and were met with such swift condemnation. Because if we focus solely on these incidents — on outlandish statements that capture national attention and spark outrage on Facebook and Twitter — we are likely to miss the more hidden, and more troubling, reality behind the headlines.
These outbursts of bigotry, while deplorable, are not the true markers of the struggle that still must be waged, or the work that still needs to be done — because the greatest threats do not announce themselves in screaming headlines. They are more subtle. They cut deeper. And their terrible impact endures long after the headlines have faded and obvious, ignorant expressions of hatred have been marginalized.
So, racism might be completely gone from our society, but there is still an invisible, hidden different racism which exists everywhere somehow.
Nor does the greatest threat to equal opportunity any longer reside in overtly discriminatory statutes like the “separate but equal” laws of 60 years ago. Since the era of Brown [v. Board of Education], laws making classifications based on race have been subjected to a legal standard known as “strict scrutiny.” Almost invariably, these statutes, when tested, fail to pass constitutional muster. But there are policies that too easily escape such scrutiny because they have the appearance of being race-neutral. Their impacts, however, are anything but. This is the concern we must contend with today: policies that impede equal opportunity in fact, if not in form.
Codified segregation of public schools has been barred since Brown. But in too many of our school districts, significant divisions persist and segregation has reoccurred — including zero-tolerance school discipline practices that, while well-intentioned and aimed at promoting school safety, affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers.
Yes, they affect blacks three times more because even with all of the special treatment your race gets, they are still three times more likely to become completely intolerable.
Why should your people have completely different rules set for you if you were born equal, Eric?
There are other examples.
For instance, in our criminal justice system, systemic and unwarranted racial disparities remain disturbingly common. One study released last year by the U.S. Sentencing Commission indicated that in recent years, African-American men have received sentences that are nearly 20 percent longer than those imposed on white males convicted of similar crimes. Another report showed that American Indians are often sentenced even more harshly. The Justice Department is examining these and other disparities as we speak and taking a variety of steps to ensure fair sentences that match the conduct at issue in individual cases. Like a growing chorus of lawmakers across the political spectrum, we recognize that disparate outcomes are not only shameful and unacceptable — they impede our ability to see that justice is done. And they perpetuate cycles of poverty, crime, and incarceration that trap individuals, destroy communities and decimate minority neighborhoods.
You are playing games with numbers, Eric. Blacks were sentenced longer because they were not first time offenders.
The idea that there is a massive conspiracy of racist judges against you is simply idiotic. You and your brethren now occupy the top positions in the US government. Where is the conspiracy? Who is involved? What is the goal?
Any judge who was openly giving out longer sentences to blacks because they were black would be lynched on the front page of every newspaper in America and everyone knows that.
Eric you are like the black Alex Jones.
And until the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, African-Americans’ right to the franchise was aggressively restricted based solely on race. Today, such overt measures cannot survive. Yet in too many jurisdictions, new types of restrictions are justified as attempts to curb an epidemic of voter fraud that, in reality, has never been shown to exist. Rather than addressing a supposedly widespread problem, these policies disproportionately disenfranchise African-Americans, Hispanics, other communities of color and vulnerable populations such as the elderly. But interfering with or depriving a person of the right to vote should never be a political aim. It is a moral failing.
And you, Mr. Fast and Furious, are the black beacon of morality in the darkness of White racism.
How could anyone ever suspect blacks of voting more than once? They must be part of a racist conspiracy for ever even imagining that would happen.
In recent years, thousands of Americans, the pride of our nation, have given their lives — and deal even today with the scars of war — so that hopeful, striving people who live continents away could proudly hold up their purple fingers after voting in a truly democratic process. America is now 50 years from Freedom Summer. And we must not countenance, within our own borders, practices that would make it difficult or impossible to exercise the right for which so many have given so much.
This is the work that truly matters — because policies that disenfranchise specific groups are more pernicious than hateful rants. Proposals that feed uncertainty, question the desire of a people to work and relegate particular Americans to economic despair are more malignant than intolerant public statements, no matter how many eyebrows the outbursts might raise. And a criminal justice system that treats groups of people differently — and punishes them unequally — has a much more negative impact than misguided words that we can reject out of hand.
No one would ever question the desire of blacks to work, Eric.
As far as I can tell, that’s all they want to do. A lot of blacks even quit having 15 kids and smoking crack and robbing and raping people on the streets, just so they can get more time in to work for their country.
Chief Justice John Roberts has argued that the path to ending racial discrimination is to give less consideration to the issue of race altogether. This presupposes that racial discrimination is at a sufficiently low ebb that it doesn’t need to be actively confronted. In its most obvious forms, it might be. But discrimination does not always come in the form of a hateful epithet or a Jim Crow-like statute.
And so we must continue to take account of racial inequality, especially in its less obvious forms, and actively discuss ways to combat it. As Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote recently in an insightful dissent in the Michigan college admissions case, we must not “wish away, rather than confront, the racial inequality that exists in our society. … The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to speak openly and candidly on the subject of race.”
I am hereby declaring that the racism emperor has not clothing.
There is no more racism in America, and there never really was to begin with. All of the troubles blacks have were brought down on themselves. We did them a wonderful favor by bringing them to America – if it were not for slavery, Eric Holder would still be washing his face in cow urine in Africa – but never have these people thanked us. They have merely told us that all of their problems are our fault.
Well, the jig is just about up for these nigs. They have pushed this thing too far, and the people will take no more of it.