December 30, 2014
Now the US Department of Justice has been linked directly to the video. Bronx Defenders, a far-left law firm, allowed the rappers to film in their office. Two lawyers employed by Bronx Defenders appeared in the video.
The entire video is dedicated to pushing the fictional “hands up” version of the Mike Brown shooting. Major media outlets, including NPR, AP, and ABC National News, have all conceded that the “hands up” claim was indeed a hoax.
Recently, Eric Holder gave Bronx Defenders $1.5 million US tax dollars! Your tax dollars are subsidizing the law firm that helped make a gangster rap video that encourages the murder of police officers!
As if the American people needed more evidence that the Obama administration’s Justice Department was out of control after six years of non-stop scandals, it was recently revealed that the DOJ was funding a “community” organization linked to a controversial rap music video glorifying the murder of New York City police officers. The group in question, Bronx Defenders, has received at least $1.5 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars from the Department of Justice, and played a prominent role in the pro-cop-killing music video. The link between the widely condemned rap production and the DOJ made headlines this week aftertwo New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers were murdered, execution style, under the guise of obtaining “revenge” for the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
The explosive link between the Justice Department-funded organization and the glorification of violence against police was firstreported by the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal news outlet on December 22. It was not immediately clear whether the Bronx Defenders group, which is featured in the video, along with staff attorneys for the organization, played a role in financing the violent film. In addition to DOJ funding offered under a program ironically named after a murdered NYPD officer, the organization has also received upwards of $40 million from city taxpayers just in the last two years. So far, the Bronx Defenders has largely remained silent about the full extent of its involvement in the production, according to media reports.