Eric Trump Says Jew Coalition Against Trump “Not Even People”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2017

No, Eric.

Jews are most assuredly not “people.”

Not in any sense of the word.

Daily Mail:

Eric Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s eponymous Fox News program on Tuesday night to defend his father against accusations of Russian collusion, two days before former FBI director James Comey is set to testify in front of Congress.

He did not waste time laying into his father’s critics either, saying at the top of the show: ‘I’ve never seen hatred like this. I mean, to me, they’re not even people.’

Eric went on to say: ‘It’s so, so sad. I mean morality is just gone, morals have just gone out the window. We deserve so much better than this as a country.’

Hannity chimed in at that point, saying to Eric: ‘You’re right’

President Trump’s son then followed up his statement about the lack of morals in this country by criticizing the Democratic party, stating that they are ‘imploding’ and ‘have no message of their own’ while also calling National Committee Chairman Tom Perez a ‘total whackjob.’

‘There’s no leadership there and so what do they do? They become obstructionists,’ Eric went on to say about the Democratic party.

‘They have no message of their own, they have no solid candidates, they lost an election they should have won because they spent seven times the amount of money my father spent.

‘They have no message so what do they try and do? They try to obstruct a great man, they try to obstruct his family, they come after us viciously and it’s truly, truly horrible.’

Hannity then jumped into the fray by criticizing Democrats who are looking into the Russia claims and the recent actions of Kathy Griffin and CNN host Reza Aslan, who called President Trump a ‘piece of s***’ and ‘an embarrassment to humankind’ over the weekend after he tweeted about the need for the a travel ban in the wake of the London terror attacks.

‘They want to delegitimize his presidency, they want to stop his agenda, they want to impeach him,’ added Hannity of Democrats.

Eric also took aim at Aslan for his comments over the weekend, saying he was appalled with the language being used by the Iranian-American scholar.