Erin Schrode: “This Filthy Jewess Is Done With ‘Alt-Right’ Bullsh*t”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2016


This is fun.

Why do they keep writing these articles?

Apparently, they think eventually the “OH MY GOD YOU POOR LITTLE SON OF A LAMPSHADE” sentiment of the goyim is going to kick back into action. They just can’t process the fact that the days of goyim crying over “anudduh shoah” are over forever.

So you get these really fantastic headlines.

Erin Schrode writes for The Huffington Post:

“The ugly kike Erin Schrode from Marin County hilariously got shot by a rubber bullet as she was making trouble on the behalf of the low-IQ redskins in North Dakota.”

“I’m just sad the bullets were rubber, like the world needs another Talmudic anti human psychopath.”

“Bullets don’t work on these rodents. Try Zyklon B.” Zyklon B is the toxic gas which Nazis used to kill Jews en masse in concentration and extermination camps throughout Germany.

Nazis. Racists. Bigots. Sexists. Supremacists. Call these monsters what they are. I am done with the term “Alt-Right” for those who are effectively modern-day Nazis and Ku Klux Klan, for those who attack me personally with unspeakable, unabating venom, for those who brutally and inexcusably denigrate Jews, women, people of color, LGBT, immigrants, Muslims, the list goes on.

The name “Alt-right,” like “white nationalists,” sanitizes a ghastly rhetoric and acutely dangerous agenda, akin to Nazis or the KKK. This is no longer a fringe group, not a few lone actors under the cloak of darkness, no small subset of anonymous individuals; this is a concerted effort currently embedding itself in the heart of Washington, D.C. — policymakers, lobbyists, think tanks, institutes, and the new administration itself — in attempt to mainstream monstrous views and tactics that support a white majority and pro-white ideals they treasure and promote. A physical, offline hub is emerging with a vengeance for the group and ideology that gained traction and rose to prominence across the internet.

During my congressional run in June, two articles came out about me in Jewish publications. In response, I received a deluge of thousands of neo-Nazi attacks and threats, to a degree that necessitated involvement of the FBI. The vicious onslaught against my “filthy Jewess” self — that wanted to “fire up the oven” and “laugh with glee as they gang raped her and then bashed her bagel eating brains in” — originated with the same neo-Nazi propaganda machine that endorsed Trump for president. It has not ceased.

Earlier this month, I was shot by police with a rubber bullet while interviewing a Native American man about the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock — triggering an increase in frequency and intensity. The firing of a grenade launcher against me was entirely unprovoked without any violence, aggression or even words exchanged with armed law enforcement. Officers on the far bank of the river were inexcusably assaulting peaceful Water Protectors with pepper spray and mace, when one militarized cop shot me from his nearby perch on a motorboat. I have been reeling from physical and emotional trauma, while asking myself: Why? Why was I shot? Was I targeted? Was it random?

“You were shot because you are a filthy kike. It’s obvious. Maybe, anuddah shoah just has begun.” I was born Jewish. My mother is Jewish. I identify as Jewish. In the eyes of neo-Nazis, that is reason enough to mount a relentless campaign. My being shot at Standing Rock spurred a new wave of evil, which I only learned of when an email with the subject line “you got shot! lol” appeared in my personal inbox. “Dumb parasite jew. Hilarious!” it read, with a link to a chatroom boasting hundreds more despicable comments and bastardized images.

My rational self knows that there is zero justification for the use of such indiscriminate force against me — or worse against other Water Protectors, native and non-native, in the present day or over a history of hundreds of years of oppression — yet I cannot help but question the incident. I walked into the Sheriff’s office to file the police report with newfound fear of assault or arrest: if police can fire a grenade launcher at the back of an innocent journalist without reason, what other crimes can they commit? And what crimes have, do or will certain officers perpetrate, specifically against people of color who are targeted, killed, charged and imprisoned at dramatically higher rates than their white counterparts?

As the story of me (a white female ally) being shot gained traction — largely because I inadvertently captured the moment on video — the response across social media was largely outrage. People were appalled by the dramatic incident itself, disproportionately militant police response, lack of mainstream media coverage and saddened by the pain, trauma, and tragedies being perpetrated once again upon Native Americans and their sacred lands. But, as has become the norm for me, anti-Semites lashed out in full force as well.

“You can see the video on her Twitter and hear her pain. It’s hilarious!” You can indeed see for yourself on Twitter and Facebook.

But nothing about anti-Semitism, supremacy, bigotry or racism is normal. Horrific words and behavior must not become my norm. We cannot allow the barbarous to be normalized.

“The alien Erin Schrode just shrugged it off, and continued wreaking destruction to our country.”

I try not to read or lend credence to the thousands of posts and messages I receive, but that becomes unavoidable when constantly popping up in my inbox and social feeds. My coping mechanism has become an attempt to downplay or assuage, but I refuse to do so any longer.

Do not normalize. Do not sanitize. Do not condone. For that is to empower, breed and propagate.

You all need to go easy on this poor little kike.

After all, Jews did nothing wrong, ever.