Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2015

The EU has now taken to openly insulting the (mostly Eastern European) member states that don’t want to be flooded with unlimited numbers of African invaders.
What has still not been explained is why anyone could possibly want these people in their country. It is continued to be assumed that it is “muh moral imperative,” though the moral system upon which this imperative is allegedly based has not been cited.
The “glaring failures” of some European countries to take in refugees are turning the Mediterranean into a mass grave and creating gruesome scenes at borders, the head of the European Parliament has said.
Europeans are responsible for these deaths.

Just like me and Jared Taylor were responsible for the Charleston shooting, I guess. Or at least it’s similar to that somehow.
Martin Schulz, a German Social Democrat, said those European governments that have resisted European Union proposals to agree a common plan must do more to deal with the crisis, which is intensifying due to a surge in migrants fleeing war and poverty.
“Must do”?
Sounds like an order.
And how, I wonder, will this order be enforced?
“We are not dealing with a failure of the EU, but rather with a glaring failure of some governments, who don’t want to take responsibility and thereby impede a joint European solution,” Schulz told Germany’s Die Welt newspaper.
These irresponsible people refuse to take responsibility for the actions of people from Africa.

Can you imagine the hatred?
“The governments of some member states must finally remove their blockade and end this unworthy game,” Schulz said.
Presumably this is a translation from German, but “end this unworthy game” sure is a weird-sounding statement.
“The current refugee crisis shows what happens when there is less Europe,” Schulz said.
“The Mediterranean becomes a mass grave, gruesome scenes play out at borders, there is mutual blame – and those in greatest need, seeking our protection, are left without help.”
Schulz said some EU countries, “who don’t care about European integration”, had prevented agreement on a Europe-wide plan to tackle the refugee crisis.
“That is more than cynical, when one looks at the plight of the refugees.”
Yes. “Moral imperative.”
Without explanation or citation of moral system which says that European society has an obligation to destroy itself in order to give unlimited free everything to people from Africa.
Again, we see that science and logic need to be the basis of our society. Not womanlike emotion.

What Next?
Most of the EU has already said no to Germany’s plan. They have voted against it.
Now Germany is attacking and insulting them, claiming they are immoral scoundrels.
I am thinking they probably aren’t going to respond well to this, either.
So what next?
The only option will be to attempt to leverage these countries economically, or through some other form of force. Which is inevitably going to collapse the EU.
So what are these people thinking, exactly?
Meanwhile, Inside Germany…
Germany is having it’s own troubles, as a court has thrown-out a ban against public assembly. The government was attempting to shut-down anti-“migrant” protests.
Germany’s highest court has overturned a weekend ban on assemblies in an eastern town where anti-foreigner violence a week ago shook the country.
Local authorities had imposed a blanket ban on all public assemblies in Heidenau, near Dresden, through Monday morning. The move came after a far-right mob a week ago hurled bottles and fireworks at police protecting a temporary shelter being set up for 600 refugees.
A regional court allowed a welcome party for refugees to take place Friday but otherwise upheld the ban. The Federal Constitutional Court lifted the ban completely on Saturday.
A bit surprised about this. But I guess Germany has an obligation to maintain some appearance that they are not a complete Marxist dictatorship.