Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2014

David Cameron has egg on his face again as instead of coming back from Brussels with some concessions on border controls, he has come back with a massive new tax demand for almost £2 billion that he wants the British people to pay.
This huge amount of money is what the EU estimates the black market in Britain is worth. Just like crooked gangsters demanding their cut from the pimps and pushers working on their turf, the EU is demanding their cut of all the money made in Britain from prostitution and illegal drugs.
Cameron has known about this for at least a week, but is now pulling together a last minute meeting for maximum publicity as he squirms to find some way out from making the British people cough up the protection money.
The meeting could also discuss why the recalculation also includes estimates of the black economy in each country, including prostitution, drugs and tax evasion and whether this can be used to manipulate contribution figures. The prime minister’s spokesman would not answer repeated questions about when the British government was first told of the demand, instead saying that the disclosure of the additional payment had only been released over the last few days.
The commission told the various countries of the revamped figures on 17 October, EU officials said. They said the British had until 1 December to provide €2.1bn (£17bn), roughly a fifth of the UK’s annual net contribution to the EU.
On an LBC radio phone-in on Friday morning, Nigel Farage said Cameron would have little option but to go along with the demand. “Of course he will pay up. These are the rules, the contributions to the European Union was a very complex formula and part of it is a measurement of your GDP against everybody else’s. There’s nothing he can do.”
“The timing is far from ideal,” said Patrizio Fiorilli, spokesman for the EU budget commissioner. “But there are rules we have to follow.”
Eurostat arrived at the €2.1bn figure on the basis of new methods of calculating member states’ GNI since 1995, taking account of previously unreported or under-reported black economy elements, such as drugs and the sex industry. Eurostat concluded that the UK economy has been doing much better than previously assumed since 1995, relative to other European countries, and that British contributions needed to be upped.
What is the implication here? That the British government is supposed to figure out a way to tax illegal activities? Presumably, most of the money being produced by these industries is already being laundered and so taxed, so the EU is basically forcing Britain to pay double taxes on these industries of vice.
And what benefit is this to the UK? What, specifically, has the EU ever done that is good for the British people or their economy?
How is this even open to discussion?