EU Idiots Decide to Start a Meme War…WE SHALL GIVE IT TO THEM!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
June 21, 2018

The meme wars haven’t ended.

They’ve just begun.


Memes banned. Remixes outlawed. Parody videos removed. Critics say this would be the outcome of the EU adopting two controversial copyright rules that were just approved in committee.

Critics are unhappy with Articles 11 and 13 of the EU Copyright Directive, which were cleared by the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on Wednesday and now face a floor vote scheduled sometime in July.

Dubbed the “link tax” by critics, Article 11 would require online platforms to pay for links to news and other content they refer to. While proponents said it was intended to make Google and Facebook share the profit they make with news organizations that are struggling in the modern market, critics have pointed out it could penalize linking to content for the purpose of criticism or commentary. It was narrowly approved by the committee, with 13 votes in favor and 12 votes against.

Banning memes would be the logical step if they were trying to prevent some internet-based uprising through samizdat, meme magic and relentless mockery.

So perhaps this really is their plan.

On the other hand, we’re dealing with Euro-Boomers here and in true boomer fashion, they probably just want to ban something they don’t understand. The real story here is that someone trying to take away the one PURE form of entertainment that I have left.

My memes have history. My memes have character. They define me and my generation.

These dastardly Euro-Boomers and kikes just can’t fucking rest until everything is shit. Everything they touch is ruined.

But not this time.

We need the vets to come out of retirement.

These bastards aren’t going to take our memes away.

There is already resistance brewing.

But we should come to grips with a possible new reality. Soon there will be no more memes. Reality will have to become the realization of our memes if they are to live on.

No more memeing RWDS…only being RWDS.

That’s what these bugman bureacrats will force us to do eventually.

Just like Gamergate radicalized an entire generation of young gamers…so too will Memegate radicalize yet more meme-addicted youngsters.