EU Open Borders Policy May Have Brought Ebola to Italy

April 25, 2014

All it takes is one torpedo and these boatloads full of criminals would cease. They are only doing it because they know they will be welcomed and even pulled from the sea and rescued if they fall in, or if the boat capsizes.

The EU is forcing Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and all other member countries to grant temporary residency to those who illegally sneak across there borders. Italy had a program with Libya that had greatly reduced the number of illegals reaching their shores. The United States government sabotaged that by bombing Libya and arming Sunni Jihadists to fight the secular government.

Because of EU policy and US meddling, hundreds of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans are presently trying to force their way into Europe any way they can.

Now, Europe is fearing the worst. Residents of Pisa fear that illegal immigrants have already brought the Ebola virus to their front door. A hospital in Pisa, where a large percentage of the patients are illegal aliens, has been locked down and is under quarantine.

The Italian Health Industry has not said what contagion has prompted the lockdown of the Pisa hospital. Residents of Pisa are noting that the hospital holds patients who are illegal aliens from countries with recent cases of Ebola.

The lockdown could also be a false alarm. However the threat is real.

Illegal immigration from Africa is an incredible health risk. Ebola spreads fast and kills most of the people it infects.

It is now mainstream news, reported by Reuters, that the World Health Organization has decided to begin withholding information about the spread of Ebola. This make the news even more disturbing as Ebola cases in Europe could be concealed from the public.

Ebola, the killer fever currently rampaging through Kenya, Guinea, Uganda and now possibly Italy.