EU Publishes Report Attacking Hungary for Hating Immigrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 10, 2015

Madam Merkel, I do beg to differ.
Madam Merkel, I do beg to differ.

The entire Merkel/SJW/Jew/UN/EU strategy to force every European country to accept trillions of African parasites is based on attempting to shame them using absurd, obscure “morality” arguments which have no clear basis.

As you start to understand women, you will understand that the one of their biggest tools to get what they want is to attempt to shame others. For instance, if you say “I believe such and such because of this list of logical reasons,” she will then say “no, you believe such and such because you have a small penis, you are a virgin, you live in a basement, you are a homosexual and you are jealous of the Blacks.”

Merkel’s EU is using that same feminine strategy. Orban is like “well look, Madam, these immigrants are going to completely destroy our society, there just isn’t any way to make this work.”

And Merkel comes back with “you are just filled with hatred for the color of the skin.”


Migrants aren’t welcome in Hungary. The government made that pretty clear with deeply leading questions in a national consultation. Sent out to 8 million citizens aged 18 or older, the survey compares Syrians fleeing civil war to “economic migrants.” The survey also asks Hungarians whether they think that refugees should be deported, locked up or sentenced to forced labor during their stay in Hungary. That’s just one recent example of the right-wing government’s attitude toward migrants.

Now, the Council of Europe has published a report that strongly criticizes widespread racism in Hungary. The authors, from the Council’s European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), emphasize that not only is the radical nationalist Jobbik, the third-largest party in Hungary’s parliament, to blame for the country’s xenophobic atmosphere – the entire political spectrum shares in the guilt.

The ECRI report praises recent Hungarian initiatives like the introduction of a hate crime unit for police and a new network for consultants to assist Hungary’s Equal Treatment Authority, which pursues cases of discrimination and racism. However, the report’s authors have found, none of this makes up for the hatred and vitriol that Jews, homosexuals, Roma, migrants and other groups encounter.

The Hungarian government rejects the report as “incorrect” in several respects, alleging that it used “false and outdated information,” especially concerning the situation of migrants.

Rights workers in Hungary say, however, that the government’s response is what’s incorrect. Marta Pardavi is the co-director of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, an NGO that fights for refugees and human rights. She says that the ECRI report is based on extensive and factual documentation – and is even too positive, because it only describes the situation up to and including 2014. Since then, Pardavi says, things have gotten worse.

“The report praises policies for integrating immigrants,” Pardavi told DW. “Meanwhile, refugees are presented as dangerous and problematic in Hungary and immigration as harmful and bad.”

‘A domestic spectacle’

Prime Minister Viktor Orban, of the right-wing Fidesz party, doesn’t want more immigrants in Hungary. He has called a plan to distribute applicants for asylum among EU member states ” absurd, bordering on insanity.”

In connection with the national consultation on immigration, the government has erected signs that tell refugees to respect Hungarian culture, follow the laws and not take jobs away from nationals.

“Of course the European Union can’t do anything about the domestic campaigns of member nations’ heads of state,” Rudolf Ungvary, a writer who frequently criticizes Hungary’s government, told DW. “It’s a domestic spectacle. But the way he fights against EU refugee policy is very provocative.”