Daily Stormer
October 20, 2014
The EU has declared that David Cameron, Prime Minister of the UK, has no rights at all to attempt to stop the invasion from Eastern Europe.
David Cameron’s attempt to control EU migration by capping national insurance numbers breaks EU laws because freedom of movement is an “essential” principle, the President of the European Commission has said.
In a clear indication that Britain will be locked into a battle with Brussels over the proposed changes José Manuel Barroso said: “The principle of freedom of movement is essential, we have to keep it.”
The Prime Minister plans to cut the level of migration from the EU by limiting the number of new national insurance numbers available to low skilled immigrants.
New arrivals from Europe would be given a temporary insurance number which would stop them from moving to Britain to work and claim benefits indefinitely.
However Mr Barroso has already suggested that the plans would be illegal under European law.
The cap on national insurance numbers for migrants is likely to be one of a series of “red lines” which will form the basis of The Prime Minister’s planned renegotiation of Britain’s relationship with the EU.
The cap will be set to ensure that net migration falls to below 100,000 The Sunday Times reported.
The policy is thought to be the planned centrepiece of an upcoming speech by Mr Cameron setting out a tougher set of policies on immigration, it was reported.
Government sources have described the suggestion of a new policy for capping national insurance numbers as “speculation”.
Currently net migration is almost 250,000 and blocking these migrants from working legally will prompt fears that they will still come to Britain and simply take jobs within the black economy without national insurance numbers.
The EU was designed by the Jews to remove any and all forms of national sovereignty, and destroy the entirety of Europe through massive migrations which destroy the identity of Western Europe. They are now flexing their muscles, and pushing around the stupid Jew David Cameron who has been forced by the people to bring this issue up only to be squashed by the mega-systems above him.
On top of this, what is much worse is the EU program of massive invasion from the third world. But no one is even allowed to talk about that at all, the English feeling that their only platform of complaint is on the level of the large number of Eastern Europeans coming to live on welfare.