Daily Stormer
May 11, 2015

Combined with their plan to use the military to stop smugglers, the EU is also proposing a quota system wherein all EU states are required to take in a certain number of “refugees” (healthy African men in their twenties).
Migrants are being driven to make the journey by “horrific abuse” in Libya, according to Amnesty International.
But these people aren’t from Libya! Just look at them! They are Black Africans! Libya is an Arab country!
This Jew media is just telling you completely obvious lies, which you can verify as lies with your own eyes, for the purpose of pushing these Africans onto you.
More than 1,800 migrants have died this year in the Mediterranean, a 20-fold increase on the same period in 2014.
The European Commission’s migration policy, to be announced on Wednesday, will also propose organising legal means for migrants to come to Europe so they do not turn to traffickers.
However, it will need to be agreed by EU states.
Yes, of course. Invasion Phase II: pick them up and bring them in ourselves.
But who are they expecting will agree with it? Well, Germany, obviously, and Sweden, of course. I guess you can throw the rest of the German countries in there. But then also Spain, Italy and Greece, as they are being told it will mean less monkeys defecating on their streets.
But I don’t see any of the other member states going along with it.
“Here, take these African rapists and put them on your streets – it is your moral duty, somehow” is a hard sell.