EU to Sanction Eastern Europe for Refusing Migrant Quota

The New Observer
May 6, 2016

The European Union (EU) aims to fine the Visegrad 4 nations €250,000 per “refugee” per year for refusing to take their “quota” of nonwhite invaders, the European Commission (EC) has announced.

The EU has also threatened to suspend the Schengen passport free zone for those nations and withhold billions of euros in EU funds.



The announcement is guaranteed to result in a heightening of tension between the V4 nations and Brussels, and could pave the way for a final showdown between Eastern Europe—which has refused to commit racial suicide—and the West.

The money—which will amount to a significant figure—will be “docked” from those member states refusing to take in their “quota” of “refugees.”

The money will then be handed to frontline states such as Greece and Italy to hand out in welfare and aid to the arriving nonwhite invader army, the EU has said.

The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia have all rejected Brussels’s attempts to implement “migrant quotas.”

Hungary and Slovakia have even launched legal cases against the quota plan, which was forced through by a rare majority vote last year.

The EU plan, “agreed” to last year, entails the “redistribution” of 160,000 nonwhite invaders posing as refugees around the Continent.

Of the V4 nations, only the Czech Republic has taken in a tiny handful of the nonwhite interlopers—and even then, only “Christian refugees” from Syria.

The V4 has said that as a group they will not accept quotas, claiming immigration is a sovereign issue.

Poland’s previous government agreed last year to accept 7,000 nonwhites as part of their “quota,” but the new Law and Justice party government, elected in October 2015, has reversed that decision.

In terms of the new EC proposal, Poland would lose €1.75 billion per year if it continues to refuse to accept the nonwhite invaders.

The EU proposals would retain the basic “Dublin regulation,” which requires “refugees” to claim “asylum” in the member state in which they arrive. The Hungarian government has already announced that it would not adhere to this rule.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, speaking after a V4 meeting in Prague, said that the proposed EU fines were nothing but “blackmail.”

Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said that the EU proposal “sounds like an idea announced during April Fool’s Day.”

Slovak officials said that the plan did not “respect reality,” and even the Czech government—by far the most accommodating to the EU, said that they would not accept the proposal.

The EC’s proposals would require support from most member states to go into effect, as well as the European Parliament. A vote is being set up for the upcoming EU Parliament session.

* At their meeting in Prague, the Visegrad states also expressed their opposition to the plan by the EU to offer visa-free travel to the Schengen area to Turkish citizens, supposedly in return for Ankara’s help in stemming the tide of invaders heading to Europe.

The flow of invaders from Turkey has only slowed down, and not stopped, despite billions of euros being pumped into the Muslim state by the EU.