Europe: 178,882 Invaders This Year

The New Observer
April 21, 2016

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has announced that as of April 17, an estimated 178,882 nonwhite invaders had already landed in Europe this year by sea.

The IOM said that the 178,882 invaders included all those who had landed in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and Spain, through April 17.



On Friday, April 15, IOM reported some 177,207 invaders had arrived in Europe via Mediterranean Sea routes, meaning that they are currently invading at the rate of 5,000 per day—a substantial increase even from the beginning of the year.

The number of estimated invaders in Greece through April 17 was 153,625, or 85 percent of the total. Italy followed with 24,581 invaders, with much lower numbers registered in Spain (648) and Cyprus (28).

This compared with a total of 52,570 invaders arriving by sea between January 1 and April 30 of last year, including 22,408 to Greece and 26,228 to Italy.

About 90 percent of the nonwhites invading Italy come from Libya, while the remaining 10 percent leave from Egypt, according to IOM.

IOM estimates that some 24,581 invaders arrived in Italy by sea between January 1 and April 17, 2016. Of these, 6,200 arrived during the first two weeks of April.

According to data provided by the Italian Ministry of Interior, 16,065 invaders arrived in the first half of April 2015. For the entire month of April last year, 26,228 arrived in Italy.

The nationalities involved in the latest invasions, the IOM reported, were Ethiopians, Somalis, Sudanese, Eritreans, Egyptians, and “other nationalities.”

These nationalities show clearly that the controlled media’s continued description of the invaders as “migrants” or “refugees” is a deliberate lie.

Furthermore, this invasion is not, as the controlled media continues to insist, a “European migrant crisis,” but simply a nonwhite invasion of the white First World.

These are not people fleeing “war zones” where their “lives are in danger,” but are millions of nonwhites who are leaving their own self-created disaster zones in order to parasite off white taxpayers.

Meanwhile, the European Union’s statistics agency Eurostat has announced that EU countries granted “asylum” to more than 330,000 nonwhite invaders last year, a 72 percent increase over 2014.

Around half of them—166,100 people—claimed to be Syrian citizens, while 27,600 came from Eritrea, and 23,700 from Iraq. Germany, Sweden, Italy, and France approved most applications. Germany took in 60 percent of the “Syrians,” the agency says.

Eurostat did not say how many of the approved asylum applications were made before 2015, nor did it say how many applications from last year are still pending. Most are likely to have been made before the mass 2015 invasion, which means that the greater flood of “applications” has yet to be announced.

Eurostat did report that the number of first time asylum applicants from “Syria” rose to 363,000, or only 29 percent of the total. The rest were made up of Afghanis, (14 percent), Iraqis (10 percent), Kosovans and Albanians (5 percent), and Pakistanis (4 percent).

Italy received 17,780 asylum applications from Nigeria, 10,285 from Pakistan, 8,015 from The Gambia, 6,370 from Senegal, and 6,015 from Bangladesh.