“Europe Isn’t Christian”: Jews Celebrate the Moslem Conquest of London

Diversity Macht Frei
May 11, 2016


Throughout the ages, we have seen Jews collaborate with Muslims and Asiatics against Christians and Europeans and celebrate their victories over us. It was a pattern of behaviour evident in the Persian assault on Christian Byzantium in the early decades 7th century, in a series of epic wars that paved the way for the emergence and triumph of Mohammedanism, most likely with exiled Jews played a shaping role in the creation of this new form of banditry dressed up as religion (link and link). The same pattern of behaviour played out in 8th century Spain during the Muslim invasion (link), with catastrophic consequences, lasting centuries, for the Spanish people, and, potentially, for all European people had the Muslim advance not been stopped at Poitiers by Charles Martel.

Here again we the pattern recurring. The Muslim conquest of a great European capital is greeted in the same way by the same people.


The debate was heated when the European Constitution was being drafted in 2005, it was taken off the table by Pierre Moscovici. The former French (sic) Minister for the Economy said yesterday that he doesn’t believe “in the Christian roots of Europe”. Asked about the election of a Muslim mayor in London, Sadiq Khan, a first in a western capital city, the European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs replied: “Europe, even if it’s true that on our continent a majority of the population are, let’s say of Christian religion or culture, Europe is not Christian. I don’t believe in the Christian roots of Europe. I believe Europe is diverse, united and diverse.”. And Pierre Moscovici insists: “It’s a symbol of progressivism and Europeanism. A beautiful symbol”.


I knew that east European countries like Poland had been pressing for a statement about the Christian character of Europe in the EU constitution and had failed to get their way. Now we know why. From Wikipedia:

Born in Paris, he is the son of the influential Romanian-Jewish social psychologist Serge Moscovici and of the Polish-Jewish psychoanalyst Marie Bromberg-Moscovici.[1] ….

Initially active in the Revolutionary Communist League, he left in 1984 to join the PS and, in 1986, became secretary of the “experts’ group” created by Claude Allègre.

In 1988, he moved on to the Ministry for National Education in Minister Lionel Jospin’s cabinet, first as conseiller technique, then as chargé de mission.

From 1990 to 1994, he headed the Public Service Modernisation and Financing Department at the Commissariat général du Plan – French Planning Office.

I mentioned Jewish support for Khan when he was still campaigning (link). It didn’t take long to bear its fruit.


Sadiq Khan used his first act as Mayor of London to attend the UK’s Holocaust Memorial Ceremony today – 24 hours after the last Labour mayor repeated controversial claims that Hitler was a Zionist.

The newly-elected mayor swore to be a leader for all faiths in the capital and was at the Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony in Barnet this afternoon alongside Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, who just last week attacked Jeremy Corbyn by saying Labour had a ‘severe’ problem with anti-Semitism.



Ron Huldai, Mayor of Tel Aviv has written to the new Mayor of London Sadiq Khan congratulating him on his election success and inviting him to visit Israel.

Mr Huldia said he was “most pleased” with the new mayor’s commitment to being an “uncompromising voice against antisemitism” during his campaign.


In the Jewish Chronicle, Marcus Dysch predicts Khan will be good for the Jews:

He should become a key ally on issues including kosher and halal food production, on circumcision, and – particularly in times of tension – a credible bridge between London’s Muslim and Jewish communities.


Roger Cohen in the New York Times is also cock-a-hoop.

Before the election, Khan told my colleague Stephen Castle, “I’m a Londoner, I’m a European, I’m British, I’m English, I’m of Islamic faith, of Asian origin, of Pakistani heritage, a dad, a husband.”

The world of the 21st century is going to be shaped by such elided, many- faceted identities and by the booming cities that celebrate diversity, not by some bullying, brash, bigoted, “America first” white dude who wants to build walls.
