European Election Results Finally In! Here are the Numbers!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2019

Man, these European elections take forever.

But here you have it.

That’s across the entire continent.

Here’s who voted for the two big “moderate” parties, which had held the majority and no longer do.

Here are the countries that voted for the “far-right” and populists.

The far left did significantly better than the far right.

Turnout was better this year than for the last elections in 2014, but not by very much – and it was still mostly irrelevant countries that had high turnouts, probably because these elections are irrelevant, given that they do not do anything specific.

Germany voted a lot because Germans believe in this nonsense. UK didn’t vote much, probably because they aren’t even supposed to be in this election.

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party won most of the votes in the UK.

That could be viewed as a “second referendum” in itself. But it won’t be viewed that way.

Nigel will have a seat in the EU parliament, obviously.

UKIP on the other hand lost all seats. Which means that neither Sargon of Akkad nor Tommy Robinson will be attending this parliament.

Sargon of Akkad got just 3.2% of the vote, which shows either that these elections are totally rigged or the British people are simply stupid.

This chart showing the full makeup of the new EU parliament may also help you wrap your mind around the shape of things to come – the literal horseshoe.

We’ll see if the horseshoe theory holds true and those far leftists share the values of the right-wing nationalists. The spoiler is that they will not.

In Germany, AfD did better than last time, but still only got 10.8% of the vote. Merkel’s CDU did worse, but still got the largest percentage at 28.5%.

In Greece, Golden Dawn dropped off, going from 9.4% in 2014 to 4.8% this year.

The best news is that Matteo Salvini’s Lega party won a majority. This is the first time they’ve won a national election.

That is a referendum on physically removing immigrants and stopping boats and it’s the best news of the week.

In France, National Front also won, beating the party of Emmanuel Macron… which I don’t think was hard to do.

That’s her on the left – RN (because for some reason she’s running as National Rally, which in French is called “Rally National”).

So: Farage, Salvini and Le Pen all won.

Not bad, not bad.