Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2014

It doesn’t matter if you Black, homosexual, retarded or simply a fat lazy bastard, the Marxist Jew system is determined to give you special rights that enable you to rise above healthy White heterosexual men.
Following this Marxist agenda of creating equality by using social engineering to use the weakest members of society to destroy the most powerful and great, the European Court of Justice – commonly referred to as the Jewrupean Cup of Jewstice – has ruled that obesity can qualify as a “disability.” The ruling was in the case of a fat, pathetic bastard who lost his job.
The judgment said it could qualify if the obesity “hinders the full and effective participation of the person concerned in professional life”.
A 25-stone (160kg) Danish childminder, Karsten Kaltoft, pursued the case after his local council sacked him in November 2010.
The court admitted there was no specific law on discriminating because of obesity.
However, it decided it could be classed as a disability if it involves “long-term physical, mental or psychological impairments”.
EU employment laws make it illegal to discriminate on disability, as well as factors such as religion, belief, age or sexual orientation.
Authorities in the Danish town of Billund admit mentioning Mr Kaltoft’s weight during a meeting but deny it played a part in his dismissal.
They say he was let go because there were fewer children to look after.
The case now goes back to judges in Denmark to look again and decide whether Mr Kaltoft is indeed obese enough to qualify as disabled.
If it agrees, the childminder is set to get a compensation pay-out.
Overweight workers in the UK could now also claim they are disabled because the court’s decisions are binding in all EU countries.
Hahahaha! You asked for this, goyim!
The article continues.
“Even if you are warned by a doctor that you are eating your way to obesity – if you bring it upon yourself – you could still be considered disabled,” said Sky News’ Richard Suchet.
Employment lawyer Vanessa Di Cuffa, from the firm Shakespeares, said the move would give more workers protection against discrimination.“It is right that the EU has moved forward with enshrining this into law,” said Ms Di Cuffa.
“However, employers must continue to, or start, providing appropriate support to staff with obesity issues at any level.”
About 20% of European men and 23% of women are obese, according to the World Health Organisation, meaning they have a body mass index of more than 30.
If I was in charge, all of these fat lazy no-self-discipline bastards would be sent straight to the concentration camp to break rocks in the hot sun until they got themselves together. Allowing pathetic people to drag down your society is is a suicidal behavior.