European-Style Socialist Oakland Mayor Warns Bean People of Fed Raid

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2018

I don’t understand how this isn’t a federal crime. It is actively thwarting a federal operation.

It is illegal for me, if I know the cops are looking for a friend of mine who has been charged with a crime, to say “the cops are looking for you, you should go to Mexico.” It’s aiding and abetting.

What if she had warned drug dealers of an impending raid?

Fox News:

The mayor of a sanctuary city in California issued a warning that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could be conducting a raid in the area as soon as Sunday — ratcheting up tension with the feds while giving her constituents an early heads-up.

Libby Schaaf, the Democratic mayor of Oakland, shared the warning — which she said she “learned from multiple credible sources” — in a press release on Saturday, “not to panic our residents but to protect them,” Fox 2 reported.

The mayor said she didn’t know further details of the ICE operation, but claimed she felt it was her “duty and moral obligation as Mayor to give those families fair warning when that threat appears imminent.”

The feds detained at least four people Sunday, a program manager for the San Francisco Immigrant Legal Education Network told the San Francisco Examiner, although the paper noted it was unclear if the detentions were related to any broader ICE operation.

Of course, she is Jewish.

Of course she is.

Trump might not be able to charge this bitch with a crime for whatever reason, but he sure as hell can cut federal funding to the state.

Due to brown people and communist policies, California is a disaster state. Cutting federal funds would create a Mad Max type situation. Then California could either be brought to heel or they could secede and write off debts to try and make the place financially viable.

I think the people in the white movement talking about how the US should be broken up are bizarre and deranged and don’t really take our situation seriously – because that shit isn’t good and even if it was it just isn’t happening – but breaking off California is actually not especially far-fetched, and I am fine with. More than fine. It is absolutely necessary. Removing those electoral college votes is just mathematically beneficial in the extreme to balance out the brown children that will be able to vote in 2024.

Because look here, guy: I plan on electing Paul Nehlen as president in 2024. Or at least electing him as Donald Trump Jr.’s Vice-President.

He is going to be in the primaries and get into the debates in 2024 – that is an absolute fact.

#Calexit NOW!