EU’s Virus-Based Biometrics Control Grid to Finally Come Into Effect (Allegedly)

This whole biometric ID system was first talked about as a way to deal with invaders, and people were like “yeah, but you could at any time just stop allowing these people into the country though?”

Then it really picked up steam during the coronavirus hoax, where they said they were going to stop virus people from moving around with viruses using biometrics. That also made no sense (even if you believed in the hoax), but it really pushed the plan forward. If you recall, the government could just do whatever during that virus hoax.

Now they’re planning to really fuck you bad with a total control grid, exactly like the one they claim exists in China (which does not actually even exist in China).

The Guardian:

The full implementation of an EU entry-exit system introducing fingerprinting and facial recognition checks at ports and airports is expected to be delayed again amid fears over congestion and long queues.

Ylva Johansson, the EU’s home affairs commissioner, said recently that the new entry-exit system (EES) would be introduced on 10 November with a contingency of delaying it one week to 17 November.

Johansson had given member states until 5 September to provide the required declaration on their state of readiness.

It is understood three countries, France, Germany and the Netherlands, have written to her to say they will not be ready. They raised concerns about the lack of testing of the system in the field, raising new questions about the target launch date, according to multiple sources.

The EES is being introduced at all entry ports and airports within the Schengen area so also impacts airports across the continent, particularly Schipol, Charles de Gaulle and Frankfurt – three of Europe’s biggest transport hubs – while Germany is also concerned about Cologne and Munich.

Passengers will have their fingerprints or photo of their face taken the first time they arrive in the EU after the introduction of the EES, with electronic verification of biometric data thereafter.

The problem with face ID is that all black people look the same. That’s not a joke, go look it up.

You would think with the advances in AI, the software would be able to recognize blacks – surely, they don’t all literally look exactly alike? – but, no. Even with these new powerful LLM AIs, they still can’t make it work on blacks.


I’m just joking. They don’t really go Defcon 3 for every black. But yeah, China’s face ID system does just acknowledge that all black people look the same, and I’m sure some people using it go on high alert when a black passes through.

Again, the scope of China’s biometric system is nowhere near what they claim in Western media in the first place. That’s another kind of blood libel against Chinese people, pushed by the West, which claims it is somehow “more free” than China, when anyone can just go to China and check that claim for themselves, realizing it is false about 10 minutes after arriving in the country.

Black people are the biggest criminals and the people you actually do need to check. But the EU probably wants to use this system to punish people who post supposedly offensive memes on the internet, so they don’t even care that it doesn’t work on the blacks.