Daily Stormer
March 14, 2014

Even with Whites now a minority in California, the state is considering reenacting “affirmative action” legislation – not simply to further disenfranchise the White population, but also to punish the Asian population, which tends to excel far beyond the lower races occupying our left coast.
From NBC LA:
But not everyone is in support of the potential policy return, claiming the move will force discrimination in college admissions, especially at University of California campuses.
“You’re telling all the students who work hard all their life to say, ‘You are not getting in because of your color,'” parent Vivian Chan said of her Asian daughter, a student whom she fears will be penalized.
Race is at the heart of the Senate Constitutional Amendment (SCA) 5, a proposal to overturn Proposition 209, which banned the consideration of race, sex or ethnicity in state university admissions.
A coalition of Asian American groups believe SCA 5 is discrimination.
“I’m afraid a lot of Asian students will be hurt by this so-called SCA 5,” high school guidance counselor Claire Wu told NBC4.
One reason the Asian community is on such high alert over the proposed change may be the fact that UC schools over-represented that population with 43 percent of admissions in 2013.
Caucasian applicants made up 26 percent, Latinos at 21 percent, and African Americans at 4 percent, according to UC admission records.
What this proves is that affirmative action was never about some vague racial discrimination – it was always about artificially propping-up those who are biologically inclined to under-perform academically.
Asians are not White, they are not the people who founded this country, not the people that “society was made for.” They are not doing well because of some obscure “privilege.” And yet, they often out-perform Whites, and always out-perform blacks and Mestizos. As such, it is now decided that they must be punished for performing so high.
“Anti-racist” public policy has always been Marxist in nature. It is not about any traditional conception of justice, it is about dragging down the great and good to the level of the worst and most incapable human populations.
For the record, I am not happy with the fact that so many of the university slots in this country are being filled by Asians. Clearly, the purpose of a nation’s University system should be to provide education to the people of that nation. However, the fact remains that Asians are an intelligent, civilized group of people, capable of performing on the same level as Whites, and a move to punish Asians for performing well is a clear admission that the lesser races perform lesser because they are biologically inferior.