Eventually, All Black People Will be President of America

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2016

At the Golden Globes last night, Magical Negroid Will Smith has said he will be the next President so he can stop Our Donald. He says it would be “very easy” to stop Our Magnificent Hero.

Blacks are now living in a full-on total fantasy world where they are all the President of the United States. They also believe they are all Egyptian Kings.


I don’t know if they are Egyptian kings, or if they are all Presidents of America.

What I do know is that they are not Deadshot.


But apparently, now they are.


I guess it’s a bad guy who kills cops. Makes sense to make him Black.


But will Black Deadshot bang the White Harley Quinn as the White Deadshot does in the comics…?




I wonder if Jews picked the blondest girl possible – Margot Robbie – to be defiled by Will Smith in this children’s film on purpose – specifically because she was the blondest girl possible?


Nah. I doubt Jews would do something like that.