Evil Anti-Pope Francis Calls for Infinity Blacks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2016



The SJW Pope, also known as “The Faggot Pope” and “Pope Faggot” has kicked it up a notch, demanding that the entire populations of the Middle East and Africa be allowed to flood into Europe.

“Everybody” is the word he used.


In a striking gesture Wednesday, Pope Francis invited fourteen African migrants to join him on the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica, urging Europe to open its doors to more refugees.

The fourteen migrants were guests of Caritas of Florence and the European university, and carried banners of the charity that is caring for them along with Vatican flags. On arriving in St. Peter’s Square, Francis embraced them and then asked them to accompany him to his chair and remain near him during his weekly catechesis and greetings.

Comparing the refugees with him to modern “lepers,” the Pope stressed that Jesus would touch those who were excluded, but modern Christians seldom do.

Jesus would enable mass gang-rape and a genocide of Europeans?

Is that suggestion not blasphemy?

In his remarks, Francis suggested that the refugees left dire situations in their home countries.

“Today I am joined by these young people,” Francis continued. “Many think that it would have been better for them to remain in their homeland, but they suffered so much there.”

“These are our refugees, but many consider them excluded,” the Pope continued. “Please, they are our brothers!”

A Christian excludes no one, makes room for everyone, lets everybody come,” he said.

There you go.


That means “all of them.”

Why can’t the Pope be more like the Dalai Lama?
