Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

Being billed as a “free shower and haircut for the homeless,” the sickening and evil Antipope Francis has plotted to commit a satanic act of defilement on the grounds of the most sacred site in Europe, turning St. Peter’s Square into a bathhouse for an invading African army.
The Vatican announced last year that it would provide shower facilities in St Peter’s Square for homeless people.
Bishop Konrad Krajewski told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire on Thursday that it would also offer haircuts and shaves when the services start on Feb. 16 in an area under the colonnade of the square.
Krajewski, whose official title is the pope’s almoner, said barbers and hairdressers would volunteer their services on Mondays, the day their shops are traditionally closed in Italy.
They had already donated chairs, hair-cutting instruments, and mirrors, the newspaper’s website said.
Note: “homeless people” is codeword for “asylum seekers” which is itself a codeword for “invading hordes of subhumans.” I have been to Rome, less than a year ago, and you don’t see Italians on the streets homeless – I’m sure there are a couple, but 99.9999% of the people living on the streets are Negroes, Moslems, etc.
It is bad enough to use this most sacred of places – which was sacred before Christianity, an ancient pagan place of prayer and sacrifice – to give baths. But to have an enemy army bathing there takes this to an entire new level of satanic abuse.
This might be even worse than the faggot thing he’s doing.