‘Evil’ Black Kidnapped 16-Year-Old White Girl and Stabbed Her to Death

Daily Stormer
July 2, 2014

Gina Burger’s body was found in a landfill.

The only way to stop this evil, is for the forces of good to recognize who it resides in and expel every last one of them from White countries.

Then and only then, will it never be able to happen again.


The man arrested and charged in the death of a 16-year-old girl found in a local landfill appeared in court Wednesday.

Police said Ricki Williams, 18, was charged with aggravated murder and kidnapping Tuesday night.

Officials said Williams stabbed 16-year-old Gina Burger, of Austintown, Oh., last week. Her body was later found in a landfill in Grove City.

Rikki Williams, looking surprised that anyone would expect him to behave any differently.

Prosecutors told Channel 11’s Amy Marcinkiewicz that they plan on seeking the death penalty in this case.

“There is evil in the world and he’s one of those evil people. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason he would do this,” the prosecuting attorney said.

It was revealed in court that Williams is homeless and is considered a flight risk.

Investigators said Williams held Burger against her will in an apartment below where she lived, later killing her and dumping her body.

Marcinkiewicz reported that a girl, who is also being called a vicitm, witnessed the crime. Investigators said Williams forced her to help him dispose of Burger’s body.

“What I can tell you right now is he held her against her will at the Compass West Apartments.  She was murdered at the Compass West Apartments with a knife,” said Austintown Police Chief Bob Gavalier.

The death penalty is being sought.

Police said Williams placed Burger’s body in pack and play.  Investigators said Burger’s mother told them she saw Williams with the transportable crib, and at one point, he even asked her if she wanted to buy it.

Burger was reported missing last Monday night.  Burger’s mother Jacqueline Bacher said Burger left their apartment to ask a neighbor for tea, but she never came back.

“She had a family.  People loved her and cared about her, and to find her in a landfill, someone has no regard for life,” said Bacher. “She was a sweet, caring and trusting girl.”

Police said they were able to identify Burger by scars from a major surgery she had and by her clothing. Burger’s body was found at Tri-County Industries Wednesday.  Trucks from Ohio, Clarion, Erie and surrounding areas use the facility.

Officials said a bucket loader was moving trash to a tractor trailer when a worker noticed the body.