Evil Christ-Killers Accuse Andrew Anglin of Plotting the Murder of Ted Cruz’ Goldman Sachs Slut

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2016

splc heidi cruz nazi

As one could have probably predicted, the attacks on my person by my Jew enemies are becoming increasingly bizarre.

Earlier this week, I wrote that Heidi Cruz should be tried and either imprisoned or executed for treason, which she committed by plotting with the CFR to dissolve the border with Mexico.

The SPLC decided that this was part of a secret Nazi plot to assassinate the ugly slut:

Andrew Anglin, founder of the notorious neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer, told his audience that Heidi Cruz, wife of presidential candidate Ted Cruz, “should be in prison or execute [sic] for high treason.”

The threat, which may be illegal under federal law, is completely unsurprising from the neo-Nazi cesspool, which has hosted such voices as Dylann Storm Roof, the alleged Charleston shooter who killed nine African-Americans at the Mother Emanuel AME church last summer.

Under 18 U.S. Code § 1879 – Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons, “whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon a major candidate for the office of President or Vice President, or a member of the immediate family of such candidate shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.” Advocating for the execution of Heidi Cruz certainly seems to fall under such a provision.

A disclaimer at the Daily Stormer states that, “We here at the Daily Stormer are opposed to violence. We seek revolution through the education of the masses. When the information is available to the people, systemic change will be inevitable and unavoidable. Anyone suggesting or promoting violence in the comments section will be immediately banned, permanently.”

In this case, it is Anglin who is advocating violence. Unfortunately, it is unlikely Anglin will immediately ban himself from his own website.

This is the Jew for you. Right out in the open, completely naked.

It is what they are: vicious, evil liars.


Hitler was right. Six million times over, Hitler was right.

Anyone with any basic sense is aware that there is zero possibility that what I wrote could be interpreted as a “threat.” The only way I could threaten to “imprison or execute” her for treason would be if I had the ability to court marshal her.

I have not been visited by the FBI or the Secret Service, something which would have happened within 24 hours if this had been a “threat” to kill Heidi Cruz.

The evil Jews of the SPLC know all this. They are lawyers, after all. But they just went ahead and published this insane libel. Because they know – having been responsible for shutting down all of my methods of payment through blatant tortious interference with my business affairs (also illegal) – that I don’t have the money to sue them.

And they might even want me to sue them. It would be good publicity for them. “Oh, the suffering, the evil goyim are trying to gas us with a libel lawsuit, pitiful us, these horrible Nazi goyim.”

If I won $5 million, they would successfully solicit $10 million in donations from the publicity they would gain from being persecuted by the goyim pigs.

But still, I would have $5 million dollars. And if/when I have the money, I will sue them. I told this bag of rat juice “Keegan Hankes” as much in an email following the article’s publication.

What they are saying is objectively false and is expressly meant to damage my character. There is no court on earth that wouldn’t convict them.

What Heidi Cruz did, penning a paper as part of a conspiracy to open the border with Mexico, fits the legal definition of treason.

And the punishment for treason – what I called for, following legal proceedings – is imprisonment or death.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Look, faggots – I can link to Cornell University Law School’s page too!

Other Jewish News Outlets Run with It

Other Jews simply repeated the claims of the Jew SPLC.

These include (((Dan Abrams’))) “Law Newz” (actual website name).


And Raw Story.

raw story anglin andrew

These kikes will also eventually get sued.

No Solutions to the Daily Stormer Problem

Keegan’s last article on me resulted in my praise, as he was just saying I was a brilliant troll.

So he had to up his game to Twilight Zone levels.

Twilight zone jewing intensifies

And yes, he has successfully pissed me off. I am pissed off. However, in order to do so, he has blown even more of the already depleted credibility of the Jew SPLC, and put the organization in danger of legal action.

It’s a lot of energy just to piss me off. Though admittedly, I’m not easy to piss off.

I have demanded that Keegan issue a retraction, but he is yet to do so. I will save my emails to him to present in court if/when that becomes financially viable.

To close, I want to restate: it is my view that Heidi Cruz, in conspiring with the Jews and the government of Mexico to open the border with Mexico and flood this country with massive numbers of Mexican immigrants.

The penalty for treason is imprisonment or execution.

As such, Heidi Cruz deserves to be arrested and prosecuted for treason, and when convicted by a court of law, deserves to be imprisoned or executed.

Unlike the Jews of the SPLC, I believe in truth and justice.

Hail Victory.